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Electra Public Library


Abbot LaRue  Houtchins 3 165 4 1/23/1929 1/11/2018
Able Bob 5 69 1 & 2 Res.
Able Bob 5 70 2 10/13/1932 11/4/2020
Able Bob 5 71 1 & 2 Res.
Able Bob 5 72 1 & 2 Res.
Able Lee Ola Darter 5 70 3 Res.
Able  Minnie Lee 2 191 3 1910 1994
Able R. F. 2 190 1 - 3 Res.
Able R. F. 2 191 1 Res.
Able  Robert Felder (Abe) 2 191 2 7/17/1906 4/18/1979
Adams Blanche K. Bankhead 1 70 1 1/12/1919 4/11/2004
Adams Caroline Reid 3 164 2 Res.
Adams Cloyd 4 194 2 Res.
Adams Cloyd 4 195 1 & 2 Res.
Adams David Elijah Jr. (Dave) 3 121 3 3/27/1908 9/7/1980
Adams Garlan R. 1 70 6 6/5/1947 4/13/1965
Adams Herbie Ray 3 164 1 10/15/1939 12/6/2020
Adams Hester Adaline 3 121 2 10/1/1910 7/16/1987
Adams H. T.  1 188 1 & 2 Res.
Adams Hugh T. 1 188 4 10/23/1890 11/30/1963
Adams Lessie 1 188 3 12/26/1891 10/26/1975
Adams Lessie 1 190 3 Res.
Adams Rex Frazier 1 70 2 1/25/1916 3/31/1980
Adams Rex F. 1 70 4-5 Res.
Adams Ruby R. 1 153 2 1/14/1893 10/10/1976
Adams T. Charley 1 153 12/10/1887 12/28/1961
Adams T. Charley 1 153 3 Res.
Adams William Bart 4 194 1 12/11/1948 8/28/1982
Adkins E. E. 1 33 Res.
Adkins Emmett Elijah 1 33 1-8 10/16/1888 10/26/1964
Adkins Hazel Martin 1 33 7/31/1913 4/15/1984
Adkins Henryetta Crowell 1 33 1/26/1896 11/14/1963
Adkins Raymond Floyd 1 33 7/18/1910 2/24/1960
Adkins Richard Earl 1 33 3/20/1920 9/12/1955
Adolphsen Linnie Mae Propest 2 119 2 2/13/1925 5/25/1991
Adwell Bessie Mae 6 81 1 1/1/1998 1/1/1998
Adwell Hazel Lee Johnson 6 81 1 5/29/1938 2/1/1997
Adwell Thelma Leona 6 81 1 1/26/1963 4/8/2010
Aiken M. A. (Jake) 5 49 1 10/5/1924 9/23/1989
Aiken Ronnie Irene 5 49 2 4/2/1925 5/30/2016
Akagi James Heido 3 204 1 4/3/1912 5/27/1982
Akagi Opal Beulah 3 204 2 4/4/1916 2/18/1983
Alaniz Hortencia 4 163 4 10/28/1942 12/12/2021
Albro D. E. 1 129 3 or 4  Res.
Albro Duane E. 1 129 2 1922 1987
Albro Marjorie 1 129 1 1926 1/20/1988
Alexander Anthley P. 2 164 1 4/29/1911 10/10/1967
Alexander  A. P. 2 164 3 Res.
Alexander  Bernice Ethellyn Klinkerman 6 68 2 3/25/1925 4/2/2015
Alexander C. Walter 1 65 1 6/4/1889 7/23/1969
Alexander Dwayne Stephen 6 68 3 9/11/1961 Res.
Alexander Dorothy Fay Warnock 4 121 2 9/6/1920 6/15/2009
Alexander George M. 6 68 1 2/17/1925 Res.
Alexander J. C. 4 121 1 11/14/1921 8/14/2010
Alexander Mabel C.  Lewis 1 65 2 12/22/1890 9/15/1962
Alexander Rita M. Stewart 1 164 2 2/23/1915 6/20/1991
Alexander Stanley Dean 5 78 1 5/7/1961 2/20/2022
Ali Sherry Willene Moore 4 282 2 3/4/1956 Res.
Ali Syed Arif 4 282 1 6/6/1946 1/12/2010
Allen Bobby 2 50 2 Res.
Allen Bobby 2 50 3 8/17/1931 11/17/2010
Allen John & Mary  3 160 3



Allen Mary Lena 3? 160? 3? 2/28/1942 1/18/2003

Allen Mattie J. 2 49 4 10/19/1917 1/17/1998
Allen Terry Dwayne 3 224 3 10/21/1971 8/21/2010
Allen Wendell Douglas 2 50 4 Res.
Allen Wendell Joe 2 50? 1? 10/1/1967 3/23/1972
Allen W. O. 2 49 3 2/9/1912 8/14/1975
Allison Eddie Dale 3 64 3 Res.
Allison Modene Ruby Henson 3 64 4 5/14/1932 11/8/2003
Allums Kary Lance 4 355 2 4/11/1910 7/17/2003
Allums Norma Turner 4 355 1 9/9/1909 6/12/1992
Alvey  Elsie Mae 5 62 2 1/7/1909 12/13/2010
Alvey Velzi Lee 5 62 1 3/9/1905 10/8/1982
Alvey V. L. 5 63 1 & 2 Res.
Ammons Gary W. 4 172 3 5/24/1953 Res.
Ammons Jesse William 4 172 1 11/13/1923 7/26/1987
Ammons Nellie Jo 4 172 2 12/30/1923 9/11/1997
Ammons Nellie Jo 4 172 4 Res.
Amonette Adline M. 1 11 2 1896 1994
Amonette William F. 1 11 1 10/9/1895 2/23/1954
Anderson  Arlie V. Hunter 1 218 2 7/12/1918 3/15/1962
Anderson Marion Charles Sr. 6 1B 3 - 6 Res.
Anderson Geneva Irene 6 1B 2 4/5/1929 9/26/2003
Anderson Madie Ethel 1 218 4 1890 1968
Anderson Marion Charles Sr. 6 1B 1 10/5/1925 4/21/2003
Anderson Marion Charles Jr. 6 1B 3 3/7/1952 2/22/2023
Anderson William Elmer 1 218 1 1915 1990
Anderson William Penn 1 218 3 1883 1977
Andrews Bennie Reagan 1 186 2/4/1886 1/28/1988
Andrews Bob 2 32 1 10/15/1899 7/18/1970
Andrews D. D. "Bud" 1 186 1920 1992
Andrews Gladys 2 32 2 4/5/1912 Res.
Andrews Homer M. 3 60 3 or 4  4/19/1907 8/9/1992
Andrews Ruth Virginia 1 186 1913 1983
Andrews Thelma Viola Leverett 1 197 1 1916 1997
Andrews Velma J. (Ted) 3 60 2 12/23/1905 12/6/1984
Andrews W. R. 1 186 8/8/1881 7/23/1960
Andrews W. R. 1 186 Res. x 3
Anzaldua Dusty Kyle 6 71 2 6/4/1987 8/21/1991
Anzaldua Guadalupe Soliz 4 158 1 12/12/1927 12/18/2012
Anzaldua Johnny E. Sr. 4 158 2 8/24/1928 4/18/2013
Arbuckle Jimmy O. 3 230 1 7/5/1928 3/9/1994
Ariola Peggy Sue  Givens 3 176 3 7/5/1928 4/9/2006
Arnold Albert Cornelius (Ham) 3 145 1 1922 1997
Arnold Alma M. 3 146 2 1/24/1895 8/1/1976
Arnold Cornelius H. (Nick) 3 146 1 2/28/1894 11/14/1984
Arnold Frances 3 145 2 Res.
Asbill Ida Langford 2 295 2 5/10/1880 1/22/1966
Asbill William Arthus 2 295 1 2/4/1882 4/17/1968
Aubin Judy Kay 2 141 1 10/7/1951 1/22/2004
Aubin Nikki 2 143 2 3/14/1978 6/2/1982
Auldridge Edith Pearl 3 103 2 7/8/1906 4/18/1980
Auldridge Edna 2 120 2 11/6/1906 4/6/1999
Auldridge James Eugene 2 169 3 8/71930 11/28/2007
Auldridge James Gilbert 2 120 1 8/20/1904 2/11/1991
Auldridge Sandra Trout 2 169 4 11/11/1939 2/21/1991
Aulds Michael J. 4 346 1 Res.
Austin Alvin 1 158 5 2/13/1896 4/5/1977
Austin Alvin R. Jr. 1 29 2 2/2/1918 1/12/1971
Austin Clara Mae McClure 1 116 1 9/23/1896 2/2/1959
Austin Forest Gray 1 149 4 12/4/1887 11/1/1964
Austin  Vila Mae Collins 1 158 6 6/13/1897 1/13/1980
Austin W. W. 1 114 Res.
Austin W. W. 1 116 2 Res.
Austin William (Bill) 1 114 2 8/16/1895 12/31/1984
Austin William M. 1 149 3 3/1/1885 10/13/1984
Bachman Martha 3 199 1 Res.
Bachman Martha Jane Cook 3 199 2 2/16/1911 5/23/2001
Baggett  Glenda 3 257 3 & 4 Res.
Baggett Glenda 3 258 1 - 3 Res.
Baggett Glenda 4 258  4 Res.
Baggett Oscar E. 1 61 1 2/6/1890 12/13/1962
Baggett Oscar E. 1 61 2 Res.
Bailey Carlie D. 4 270 1 1899 1986
Bailey Lorene B. 2 100 2 9/14/1904 1/7/1979
Bailey Roy Tatum 2 130 1 Res.
Bailey Roy Tatum 2 130 2 7/9/1915 10/29/1972
Bailey Tom M. 1 100 1 11/14/1898 10/7/1972
Baird Martha Catherine 3 165 2 7/28/1907 8/8/1999
Baird Nelson Byron 3 165 3 4/24/1937 8/3/1999
Baird Nelson McKinley 3 165 1 2/15/1900 4/23/1977
Baker  Beatrice A. 1 163 4 9/1/1921 6/4/1963
Baker Homer 2 157 2 Res.
Baker J. Homer 2 157 1 6/5/1895 1/21/1973
Baker John H. 1 163 3 3/4/1916 3/9/1989
Baker Johnny & Dana 4 115 1 & 2 Res.
Baker Leroy 3 126 1 4/12/1920 10/29/2008
Baker Rose Marie Richardson 3 126 2 9/14/1921 4/22/2009
Baker Thomas E. Jr. 2 210 1 10/4/1945 8/14/1974
Bales John 3 202 1 & 2 Res.
Bales Una Mae 4 191 1 1/20/1912 12/21/1996
Ballard Bill 4 63 1 Res.
Ballard Brandy Ellen 4 63 4 11/29/1980 1/3/1981
Ballard Charlene 4 332 2 6/10/1919 2/25/2000
Ballard Delmar Leon 4 332 1 6/10/1914 1/21/1994
Ballard Ethel 1 102 1 Res.
Ballard Ethel Ida 1 100 1 10/8/1885 1/10/1959
Ballard Harvie 1 102 2 Res.
Ballard Harvie W. 1 100 2 1/14/1884 6/2/1969
Ballard Jess Van 1 54 5 8/9/1892 12/14/1963
Ballard J. V. 1 54 1, 3, 4, 6 Res.
Ballard Margaret Ellen Mowat 4 63 3 8/18/1954 Res.
Ballard Raymond Ewell 1 221 3 11/5/1926 10/12/1999
Ballard Velma Myers 1 54 2 8/10/1902 8/26/1969
Ballard Vera 1 221 1 & 4 Res.
Ballard William Ewell (Billy) 4 63 2 11/29/1952 4/21/2013
Barbettini Attilio 1 225 3 1/13/1882 7/1/1958
Barbettini Florence Lee Carter 1 225 4 1883 6/7/1977
Barbettini Maurice Atell 1 225 1 2/9/1923 12/16/2009
Barbettini Phyllis Lorain Knight 1 225 2 1/28/1922 4/26/2019
Barker Charles Alfred 4 92 2 7/20/1937 2/28/2022
Barker C. N. 1 89 1 Res
Barker Conrad N. 1 90 2 1/15/1902 5/2/1960
Barker Curtis Dean 4 94 Res. for Michelle Louise Jacelon
Barker Curtis Dean 4 94 2 11/2/1963 12/24/2015
Barker Dena Andrea Jacelon 4 93 2 Res
Barker Donald Dwayne 4 92 4 Res
Barker Harold E. 4 323 1 3/22/1930 12/20/1989
Barker Ima Jean 4 322 1 - 2 Res
Barker Ima Jean 4 323 2 Res
Barker Ima Jean 4 324 1 - 2 Res
Barker Jeffery Lynn 4 93 1 Res
Barker Lennie Hays 1 90 1 2/12/1903 2/13/1982
Barker Peggy Gene Dutton 4 92 3 Res
Barker Thomas Elmo 2 185 1 2/12/1924 6/6/2013
Barker Tommy Jr. 2 185 3 10/4/1945 8/14/1974
Barker Wendell 2 183 2 1/16/1949 6/18/2019
Barker Zelda R. (Bubbles) 2 185 2 1/9/1926 12/23/2016
Barnes 2 5 3 & 4 Res
Barnett Robert William 1 17 4 1/22/1886 10/21/1975
Barnett Ruth 1 17 5 5/13/1889 2/19/1975
Barnett R. W. 1 17 6 Res
Barrett Clem 2 59 1 7/22/1897 6/27/1974
Barrett Glayds May Gwinn 1 200 8 10/14/1919 11/22/1968
Barrett Mattie 2 59 2 11/20/1896 12/26/1990
Barron Johnnie Sally Brock 2 165 3 3/17/1885 10/5/1977
Barron Laura Able 2 191 4 1/15/1888 7/17/1970
Barrow Cullen 3 36 3 - 4 Res
Barrow Cullen Carson 3 36 1 12/31/1912 5/6/1980
Barrow Martha Anna Louise Kidwell 3 36 2 9/8/1919 1/17/2008
Barwise Ruby Dudley 3 87 2 10/9/1905 6/12/1981
Barwise Thomas Jr. 3 87 1 9/12/1899 10/9/1977
Bates Nona 3 119 3 Res
Bates Nona M. 3 119 2 1/13/1913 3/30/1983
Bates Robert 3 119 1 5/20/1907 12/19/1984
Bayne Laverne Gafford 6 63 3 8/27/1947 8/5/2014
Beaver H. D. Sr. (Jack) 2 300 1 9/20/1907 1/28/1966
Beaver Minnie Lee Amason 2 300 2 9/24/1913 7/14/1984
Bechard Joyce Gail Shirley 3 113 4 6/15/1936 7/3/2009
Bedford Johnnie Maxine Champion 3 213 2 Res
Beebe Brenda Lavern 4 14 1 6/25/1955 4/18/2023
Beebe Ephriam B. 2 28 1 1894 1972
Beebe Gilbert 4 12 1 & 2 9/28/1925 1/25/1987
Beebe Ida M. Gilbert 2 28 2 1900 1979
Beebe Joe E. (Mrs.) 3 105 1 - 2 Res
Beebe Joe E. (Mrs.) 4 14 1 - 2 Res
Beebe Mae Deene Nason 4 14 2 1/25/1930 1/7/2010
Beebe Mae Deene 4 14 1 Res
Begeman Billy Dow 5 23 1 1/2 of 3 9/12/1929 10/24/2020
Begeman Clara Ruth Horn 3 27 2 10/15/1912 2/5/1978
Begeman Frits Henry 3 27 1 2/1/1910 1/13/1987
Begeman Norma June Hicks 5 23 1 1/2 of 3 3/29/1930 10/12/2020
Beisch Alexander 1 119 1 10/18/1870 8/21/1957
Beisch Daisy Ann 2 128 2 5/12/1904 9/13/1972
Beisch Larry 4 260 1or 4 1/19/1941 11/18/2020 Lawrence Albert
Beisch Lee Henry 2 128 1 Res
Beisch Maggie Nettie 1 119 2 2/27/1886 1/5/1971
Beisch Ross 4 260 2 & 3 5/25/1971 2/4/1990
Bell Holly Golden 1 156 3 8/8/1914 4/30/1963
Bell Lovona Faye 3 244 4 5/17/1937 4/23/2004
Bell Ronald 3 244 3 1937 1997
Bellah Henry 6 49 4 3/22/1920 3/15/2009
Bellah Henry Allen 6 49 4 3/22/1920 3/15/2009
Bellah Josie Jean 6 49 3 6/6/1927 3/30/2015
Bellah Keith Allen 6 49 2 12/11/1943 6/1/2015
Bellah Luwanna Register 5 98 2 Res
Bellah Margaret Irene Loftin 3 25 2 10/23/1951 7/27/1975
Bellah Melvin 3 25 1, 3 Res
Bellah Melvin Dewayne 5 98 1 Res
Bellah Timothy Dana 5 98 3 9/17/1971 10/23/2006
Belscamper Emily O. Rozell 1 37 1 1/15/1896 12/4/1978
Belscamper Floyd W. 1 37 2 12/3/1892 11/17/1954
Belscamper Floyd W. 1 37 3 - 6 Res
Benedict Jessie 3 132 2 1911 1976
Benedict Tommie Elmer 3 132 1 1908 1976
Bennett A. C. 2 136 1 - 2 Res
Bennett Ellen Maxine 2 236 2 3/12/1923 1/19/2001
Bennett Minnie L. Turner 1 231 2 8/6/1899 1/11/1969
Bennett Rollin L. 1 231 1 8/31/1890 5/23/1965
Bennett William Delmar 2 236 1 3/19/1922 7/19/2008
Bentley Christine 4 267 3/31/1926 12/24/1998
Bentley Christine 4 267 3 - 4 Res
Bentley Harvey Eugene 4 267 1 11/8/1915 3/16/1995
Bentley James Cecil Jr. (Jim) 4 336 1, 3 Res
Bentley James Cecil Jr. (Jim) 4 336 2 7/19/1924 12/13/2007
Bentley Jim 4 69 1 & 2 Res. for indigent
Bentley Jim 4 70 1 - 3 Res. for indigent
Bentley John F. 2 68 1 1898 1971
Bentley Maxine 5 108 2 Res
Bentley Selma M.  2 68 2 1909 1994
Bibby Bascom J. (B. J.) 4 258 1 4/10/1905 5/28/1987
Bibby Bernice 4 258 2 7/23/1910 11/14/1998
Bigby Dolly Loreta Jones 3 187 2 8/29/1925 1/28/2004
Bigbie Michael Gail 3 186 1 10/4/1947 6/25/2023
Bigbie Nancy Bess Nevill? 3 186  2 Res
Bigby  Thurman  Gail 3 187 1 Res
Bingham Ed 3 32 1 - 2 Res
Bingham Edmond D. 6 12 1 & 2 (Centered) 12/31/1919 10/16/2013
Bingham Maudie 6 12 3 & 4 (Centered) 5/1/1921 2/26/2011
Bivens Paulina Mae 1 25 2 2/20/1875 7/13/1958
Bivens Walter L. 1 25 1 11/5/1870 7/26/1953
Blackwell Jesse 2 54 3 2/27/1946 11/11/2013
Blakley Lorene 3 13 2 12/4/1918 1/3/2005
Blakley Troy 3 14 2 Res
Blakley Troy Elmore 3 13 1 3/11/1914 1/23/1988
Blankenship Margie Elsie 3 65 2 8/1/1922 12/25/1977
Blum Cecil 1 72 1 1/31/1921 1/20/1959
Blum-Meyer Clover Nell 1 72 3 1948 2003
Blundell Gary Leon 3 106 1 & 2 (Centered) 1/27/1955 9/26/1981
Bockman Baby Girl 1 32 1 5/5/1954 5/5/1954
Bockman Jack L. 1 32 1 Res
Bodling Erwin Willie 4 353 2 8/27/1923 9/22/2010
Bodling Mary Frances Lowke 4 353 3 10/27/1926 Res
Bolf Donald 2 225 1 Res
Bolinger Dick 2 86 2 Res
Bolinger Richard A. (Dick) 2 86 1 12/20/1906 11/30/1971
Bomar Ethel 1 138 8/22/1887 1/9/1953
Bomar Ida Lee Falls 1 138 4/8/1891 9/5/1975
Bomar Riley 1 138 9/25/1888 6/20/1972
Borden Gladys G. 1 159 5 7/10/1910 4/14/1983
Borden  Parker A. 1 159 6 1/19/1912 9/23/1991
Borton Charlene 4 49 1 Res
Borton Charles 4 49 3 1909 1987
Borton Johnnie L. 4 49 4 8/12/1941 8/23/2003
Borton Judith Lea Braswell 4 146 2 5/28/1942 Res
Borton Raymond Lee 4 337 1 Res
Borton Rebecca Marie Borton 4 147 1 2/18/1965 4/2/2010
Borton Robert & Judith 4 147 2 & 3 Res
Borton Robert Milton 4 146 1 8/8/1936 Res
Borton Sharon Kaye Rowe 4 337 2 Res
Borton Tommie 4 49 2 11/6/1913 2/7/1987
Bounds Alvin Clyde 6 41 1 ca 1929 7/8/2003
Bounds  Dorothy Marie 2 247 3 6/24/1949 3/20/2008
Bounds L. C. 2 247 4 Res
Bounds Leonard Clois (L. C.) 2 247 1 12/12/1924 6/2/1981
Bounds Shirley Evelyn McClure 2 247 2 2/23/1927 1/8/1982
Bowden Ethel B.   4 368 2 5/12/1918 6/24/1983
Bowden Jimmy Ray Jr. 5 29 1 4/1/1961 6/15/2013
Bowden Jimmy Ray Sr. 5 29 1 4/17/1934 4/11/2011
Bowden Lucille Elaine 5 29 2 Res
Bowden Mabel J. 2 31 2 11/23/1902 2/20/1978
Bowden Milton Adolphus 4 368 1 8/31/1913 8/12/1987
Bowden Sebe T. 2 31 1 10/27/1907 7/24/1970
Bowden Tony Scott 4 361 2 10/30/1949 2/22/2019
Bowery Clyde 4 5 1 3/10/1913 2/17/1987
Bowery-Puckett Fern E. 2 55 3 12/13/1921 12/15/2002
Bowery Marion 1 147 2 Res
Bowery Marion F. 1 147 1 4/5/1897 4/19/1957
Bowery Marian Francis 2 55 4 12/24/1917 5/10/1985
Bowery  Minnie 1 147 3 12/24/1907 12/14/1988
Bowley Wilma Jo 3 155 1 2/26/1933 11/10/2012
Bowley Young Frances, Jr. "Rocky" 3 155 2 5/17/1926 3/20/2002
Bowling Bertie 2 225 2 Res
Boyle Gloria 4 139 1 - 2 Res
Boyle Gloria Ann Moore 4 140 1 12/28/1927 5/21/2007
Boyle Patrick Joseph Jr. 4 140 2 10/28/1927 9/3/2007
Brackeen Amanda Calger 6 27 2 11/18/1980 1/22/2002
Brackeen Mildred Bradford 1 245 2 12/26/1924 9/17/2014
Brackeen Peggy Marie Cox Gafford 1 214 3 7/8/1930 7/12/2007
Brackeen R. C.  1 245 3 - 4 Res
Brackeen R. C. (Archie) 1 245 1 9/6/1924 10/17/2003
Braden Edna 2 200 2 6/14/1923 12/31/1968
Branch Jewel 1 242 3 Res
Branch Laura Ann 1 242 4 7/19/1960 5/12/1963
Branch Karen 2 237  2 Res
Branch Ralph 2 237 1 7/27/1944 7/2/2022
Branch Ray Dean 1 242 1 2/7/1954 9/11/2002
Branch Raymond 1 242 2 11/2/1929 9/26/2001
Brasfield Fleming Vail 2 7 3 8/18/1904 2/22/1978
Brasfield Oaelle Cambron 2 7 4 7/27/1912 11/7/2004
Bray Cecil R. 1 212 5 9/30/1910 6/15/1964
Bray Ethel 1 212 6 Res
Bray Johnny William 1 200 1 Res
Bray Tela Sue Moeller 1 200 2 Res
Brazeal Gary Allen 5 27 4 6/29/1962 9/26/2014
Brewer Barbara Estelline Sullivan 5 22 2 1/19/1938 Res
Brewer Curtis Merwin 5 22 3 11/7/1957 Res
Brewer Curtis Merwin's spouse 5 22 4 Res
Brewer Donville (NMI) 5 22 1 5/22/1932 8/10/2011
Brice  Gracie 2 158 2 1910 Res
Brice Oather Burl (O. B.) 2 158 1 1908 1972
Britt Gracie 1 58 5 7/11/1911 2/14/2000
Britt John W. (Bill) 4 294 3 8/21/1918 12/15/1993
Britt Juanita 4 294 4 9/14/1922 3/31/2000
Britt Lucille Lynn 4 335 2 5/18/1925 4/2/2022
Britt Luther 4 335 3 Res
Britt Luther Miles 4 335 1 8/25/1916 4/29/1998
Britt Otha 1 58 4 1/24/1908 8/4/1965
Britt O. W. 1 58 6 Res
Britton Michelle 5 30 1 - 4 Res
Broadwell Elizabeth 1 4 1 1899 1955
Broadwell Phillip 1 4 2 1896 1973
Brock Evelyn Virginia 4 313 2 7/14/1921 6/26/1995
Brock Jessie R. 4 313 1 10/9/1918 4/1/1988
Broderson Carrie Alice Armstrong 2 71 or 72 11/17/1906 10/1/2007
Broderson Emmett 2 71 1 Res
Broderson Emmitt S. 2 71  or 72 11/23/1903 3/12/1972
Brooks Cloyce S. 6 4 1 2/25/1903 4/28/1982
Brooks Neoma Ethel Pearce 6 4 2 2/10/1904 1/14/1982
Brown Arvell James 4 166 1 03/10/1964 8/9/2021
Brown Audrey Evelyn 4 359 2 11/9/1917 1/25/1990
Brown Belva Faulkner (Lucy) 1 211 2 1906 1992
Brown Darla 5 F 1 - 2, 4 Res
Brown Edd 1 211 1 - 2 Res
Brown Edd 1 212 1 - 2 Res
Brown Eddie 1 211 1 1901 1964
Brown Evie J. 3 67 2 9/21/1915 8/26/1999
Brown Frances Grace Sanders 4 247 2 5/26/1916 2/22/2007
Brown Janis Lynn Thornhjill 3 241 1 Res
Brown Jason Ray 4 142 1 Res
Brown Jason Ray 3 241 2 & 3 10/21/1977 7/25/2004
Brown J. B. 3 67 3 Res
Brown J. E. 5 F 3 1/9/1934 3/4/1982
Brown Johnny B. 3 67 1 8/2/1915 10/1/1983
Brown Raymond N. 3 101 2 Res
Brown Raymond Nelson 3 101 1 7/19/1895 8/14/1981
Brown Virgil Leon 4 359 1 5/31/1913 6/20/1989
Brown William S. (Buddy) 4 247 1 11/8/1991
Brown Yvonne Louise Hughes 4 166 2 01/13/1953 3/24/2022
Brownlee Bob 3 2 3 Res
Brownlee Laura Lee Johnson 4 309 2 7/17/1925 8/5/2016
Brownlee Lula Mae Garrett 3 2 2 11/22/1909 9/6/1996
Brownlee Robert M. (Bob) 3 2 1 11/7/1911 6/21/1998
Brownlee Stephen Crain 4 309 1 9/25/1925 6/22/1997
Bruce John Phillip 5 47 1 5/30/1932 5/26/1999
Bruce Max 4 78 3 1927 1992
Bruce Ruby Bowery 4 78 4 1927 1972
Bruce Terry 4 78 1 - 2 Res
Bryan Eunice 2 219 2 Res
Bryan John L. 2 94 1 11/22/1905 11/20/1967
Bryan Laura C. Holbrook 1 204 9/29/1887 12/10/1968
Bryan Mamie R. 2 94 2 3/12/1909 3/16/1992
Bryan Samuel E. 1 204 10/9/1877 3/29/1967
Bryant Cad (Maw) 1 133 3 12/1/1896 11/28/1980
Bryant C. D. (Woody) 4 325 3 10/10/1937 3/14/1992
Bryant Clyde Henry 4 325 1 6/30/1916 1/19/1999
Bryant Donald Keene (Sonny) 1 133 1 5/30/1927 7/2/2010
Bryant Jewel Maye 4 325 2 6/11/1912 6/1/2003
Bryant Jim Bob 1 133 2 1893 1952
Bryant Johnny 3 28 1 Res
Bryant Lance Eliot 4 325 4 6/14/1960 5/27/1998
Bryant Norma C. 3 28 2 10/5/1933 2/7/1978
Bryant Stella 3 203 2 1900 1988
Bryant Will Ben 3 203 1 5/17/1896 8/24/1981
Buchanan Betsy Joyce Southerland 4 275 2 8/27/1975 Res
Buchanan Jason Clyde 4 275 1 11/14/1976 6/1/2008
Bullard Andrew Jaclson (Andy) 1 142 3 1/10/1890 8/26/1955
Bullard Frank 1 142 1 1893 1971
Burch Gwendolyn Louise 1 Adkins 1 187 2 10/10/1935 1/7/1963
Burch 1 187 1 Res
Burden Mary Ann Bray 2 221 2 2/26/1941 6/20/2012
Burkhalter Robert G. 2 255 3/21/1905 3/23/1968
Burkhart Geraldine Park 6 83 2 8/17/1935 9/5/2016
Burkhart Irvin 6 83 1 1/4/1924 1/18/2014
Burkhart Irvin (Mrs.) 3 188 2 Res
Burt E. E. 1 77 6 Res
Burt Ellis 2 238 1 - 2 Res
Burt Ellis Edward 1 77 4 8/11/1916 5/26/1962
Burt Ellis Lee 2 240 1 9/10/1934 1/1/2010
Burt Jacqueline Yvonne Gilbert 2 240 2 9/10/1934 12/27/2009
Burton Edith Faye Kirk 2 101 1 7/5/1925 4/7/2014
Burton Mackey Larry 2 101 4 1/4/1950 11/1/1972
Burton William P. (Red) 2 101 3 5/7/1925 7/27/2002
Burton W. P. 2 101 2 Res
Butler Arthur Stephen 4 332 3 11/21/1926 12/26/2006
Butler Della Day 3 332 4 8/19/1989 8/2/1989
Buyllard Ethel M. Blevine 1 142 2 1/16/1898 9/11/1968
Byars Allene Putnam 1 67 2 9/15/1883 11/14/1967
Byars Carlos 4 133 3 1901 1984
Byars Carlos 4 345 1 6/6/1936 11/7/2016
Byars Evelyn Fern Gray 4 133 1.5 12/7/1909 1/19/2006
Byars Jacquelyn Lee Marshall 1 9 5 1/2 5/11/1938 3/15/2024
Byars Joseph E. 1 67 1 5/29/1876 7/26/1977
Byars Nathan 4 133 2 - 3 1877 1977
Byars Virginia 4 345 2 Res (No longer married)
Byler Dorothy Hogle 3 70 1 or 2 8/10/1908 1/2/1983
Byler Dorsey Jerry 3 70 1 or 2 10/29/1910 2/14/1981
Byrd Anna Sue Wells 4 271 3 2/2/1936 9/28/2018
Byrd B. J. 5 115 2 Res
Byrd Bonnie Jack, Sr.  (B. J.) 5 116 1 1/31/1935 12/13/2002
Byrd Carlie D. 4 270 1 1899 1986
Byrd Clara E. Langley 1 64 1 10/2/1886 9/27/1961
Byrd Darlene 4 45 4 3 - 4 Res
Byrd Glenda Gail Byrum 1 13 11/23/1932 6/30/1956
Byrd James W. 1 13 1 12/20/1929 10/7/2005
Byrd James W. 1 13 5 &6 Res
Byrd James W. 4 271 1 - 2, 4 Res
Byrd James W. (Bill) 4 271 1 12/20/1929 10/7/2005
Byrd John Ross 4 24 2 7/23/1969 12/23/1998
Byrd Mary Ann 5 116 2 1/12/1939 3/14/1983
Byrd Oscar J. 1 64 2 1/26/1884 10/29/1969
Byrd Shirley Butler 4 ? ? ? 2022 Section 4 North end per Aulds F H
Byrd Teddie Ruth Wells 1 13 2 5/28/1932 3/22/1963
Byrum Irene W. Ballard 1 13 4 4/3/1910 3/7/1990
Byrum Edgar 1 13 3 1/16/2005 Res
Byrum Edgar 1 37 3 1/16/1905 12/17/1971
Cahill Avon Swafford 2 60 2 6/25/1910 3/9/1970
Cahill Jessie 3 60 1 Res
Cahill J. R. (Rusty) 2 60 1 11/14/1901 3/31/1981
Caldwell Annie Hilburn 2 288 2 1/3/1891 2/5/1975
Caldwell George W. 2 288 1 9/13/1889 7/3/1967
Caldwell G. W. 2 289 1 - 2 Res
Callens Pearl Lee Burford 1 168 4 7/13/1874 9/11/1961
Cambron Blonnie Wear 3 94 2 3/29/1913 8/7/1986
Cambron Edna Maye 2 8 2 10/18/1915 2/7/1985
Cambron Jesse C. (Jake) 3 94 1 2/23/1911 7/20/1982
Cambron Mattie Jane 2 8 1 1/18/1887 8/31/1971
Campbell C. C. (Red) 4 11 2 12/12/1912 9/24/1990
Campbell Craig Weaver 2 17 11/7/1972 11/9/1972
Campbell James Kevin 6 89 1 2/14/1972 Res
Campbell Johnny Lee 2 217 2 8/17/1943 3/4/2010
Campbell Peggy Joyce 2 9 2 1911 1967
Campbell Penny Ann 2 217 1 12/2/1947 Res
Campbell Windel E. 2 9 1 5/11/1911 10/28/1974
Canafax Gary Joe 3 71 3 1961 1995
Canafax Leslie Cagle 2 79 2 4/2/1909 1/31/1986
Canafax Robert 3 71 1 Res
Canafax Robert 3 72 1 - 2 Res
Canafax Robert Fulton 2 79 1 2/3/1905 3/13/1972
Canafax Robert Lee 3 71 2 4/17/1931 8/26/2002
Cantu Abram (Abe) 3 217 1 Res
Cantu Bentley Isiah 3 216 2 9/3/2016 9/3/2016
Cantu Eliseo 3 216 1 3/19/1961 8/16/2006
Cantu Josephine Salazar 3 217 2 12/27/1934 11/8/2014
Cantu Miguel Angel (Mike) 3 215 2 6/4/1968 4/27/2006
Cantu Yolanda Graves 3 215 1 7/13/2018
Cantwell Johnny Lester 4 84 1 10/25/1941 10/17/2004
Cantwell Sarah Ann Brock 4 84 2 Res
Capps Verl Lyndel 5 35 1 1/4/2023
Cargile Earl (Jack) 2 278 2 9/9/1901 2/1/1985
Cargile Leona Deborah Davidson 2 278 1 6/24/1904 8/2000
Cargile Rolen E. Sr. 1 244 6/12/1880 7/13/1969
Carnathan R. E. 1 244 4 Res
Carnathan Rebecca 1 244 2/1/1889 12/5/1961
Carnathan Rolen E. Jr. 1 244 1/2/1924 1/21/1961
Carnathan Rolen E. Sr. 1 244 6/12/1880 7/13/1969
Carpentar Barbara 6 14 2 1/20/1932 1/11/2021
Carr Allan D. 4 303 1 11/12/1914 1/18/2001
Carr Mildred Louise Cockran 4 303 2 8/22/1917 6/12/2013
Carroll John Michael "Mike" 4 342 3 12/20/1945 11/10/2020
Carson Judith Ann Reynolds 3 45 4 3/27/1938 10/8/2021
Carson Robert Cary 3 45 3 10/6/1937 1/13/2013
Carter Al 2 41 1 or 2 Res
Carter Carolyn 4 330 3 2/17/1952 1/31/2022
Carter  Edward Lee 4 16 1 Res
Carter Edward Lee 4 26 1 Res
Carter Gertrude Mayhew 2 266 1 1/23/1893 3/3/1980 May be in 267
Carter Gladys Byrd 4 355 4 3/9/1926 2/10/2016
Carter James Alvin (AI) 2 41 1 or 2 1899 1972
Carter James Robert 2 36 1 3/17/1876 1/29/1971
Carter Janice 4 175 2 Res
Carter Jennie Shook 1 163 1 7/28/1884 11/12/1961
Carter Jess H. 1 163 2 2/29/1884 2/7/1969
Carter Johanna Katherina 4 16 2 Res
Carter Linda S. 3 116 2 10/10/1950 7/20/1998
Carter Margaret 4 330 4 8/24/1912 11/25/1996
Carter  Minnie Pearl 2 36 2 4/20/1884 12/20/1968
Carter Pat 3 115 3 11/11/1908 11/8/1977
Carter Pat 3 115 2 Res
Carter Pat 3 116 3 Res
Carter Richard Glen (Rick) 4 175 1 10/16/1952 6/27/2002
Carter Ruby Goodloe 3 116 1 4/16/1909 7/17/1988
Carter Russell Stephen 2 175 1 8/8/1963 12/12/2017
Carter Sam Dixon 2 266 5/5/1892 6/24/1978
Carter Stephen Joseph 2 175 4 9/6/1995 Res
Carter Wanda 3 115 1 1931 1941
Carter Welch 4 330 3 5/18/1910 7/7/1987
Carter Willis Redman Jr. (W. R. or Jr.) 4 355 3 4/6/1923 5/31/2007
Case Earline Flora 6 41 2 4/5/1917 2/24/2004
Case Jo Matthews 5 52 4 Res
Case Mearle 4 261 1 7/26/1929 10/15/2012
Case Mearle 4 262 1 - 2 Res
Case Sylvia A. 4 261 2 4/5/1931 2/15/1993
Case Tracy Lloyd 5 52 3 7/27/1960 6/26/2005
Casey William D. 1 191 6 6/16/1894 12/23/1966
Casey Zelpha L. 1 191 5 1898 1900
Casey 1 191 7 - 8 Res
Cassey George Charles Jr. 5 44 1 4/29/1949 3/2/2017
Cassey Thelma Linda Andrews 5 44 2 10/28/1948 1/22/2016
Cato Christine LaJuan McCracken 2 13 2 10/1/1937 9/18/2024
Cato Deryl 6 26 1 Res
Cato Deryl 6 27 1 Res
Cato Deryl 6 38 1 - 2 Res
Cato Deryl 6 39 1 - 2 Res
Cato Deryl 6 40 1 - 2 Res
Cato Joy Lee (J. L.) 6 25 1 2/25/1911 12/22/1995
Cato Ruby 4 25 1 - 4 Res
Cato Ruby Catherine Gilbert 6 25 2 2/4/1917 2/3/2006
Cato Shirley Gail Daniel 6 26 2 8/2/1943 12/1/2018
Chambers Mary Ruth 1 18 2 7/9/1903 4/1/1993
Chambers Paul Jones Jr. 1 233 2 10/10/1901 8/9/1961
Chambers Paul Keith 2 220 1 1932 1992
Chambers Roy 1 18 1 10/19/1899 12/24/1955
Chambers Sunny 2 220 2 Res
Chambers Virgie  1 233 1, 4 Res
Chambers Virgie Ellen 1 233 3 9/5/1906 7/9/1994
Charlton Kathy Clarkson 2 114 3 12/10/1952 4/12/2021
Chesher George William 4 245 3 5/30/1917 5/10/2015
Chesher Leota 4 245 Res
Chesher Leota Christine Oden 4 245 2 6/13/1920 2/20/2001
Chesher Michael Dean 4 246 1 Res
Chesher Pamela Yates 4 246 2 Res
Childress R'Dean Smith 1 207 7 12/23/1943 12/14/1998
Chilton B. Estella (Sargie) 1 217 2 8/13/1901 6/28/1963
Chilton Egbert L. (Bert) 1 217 1 11/9/1887 4/12/1969
Chilton E. L. 1 217 3 - 4 Res
Choate Gus 1 75 1 1/12/1891 1/29/1960
Choate  Lovie West 1 75 2 6/29/1895 7/25/1990
Christian Melinda Ann Burt 2 241 2 5/21/1954 Res
Christian Vernon Maurice 2 241 1 7/19/1951 Res
Cissell William C. (Dub) 5 117 2 1/17/1932 6/21/1993 Res
Cissell Shirley 5 117 3 3/29/1935 0/19/2022
Clark Billy Don 4 264 2 - 4 Res
Clark Billy Don 4 265 1 Res
Clark Bryant Scott 1 120 1 8/14/1958 11/?/1959
Clark Elbert L. 2 166 1 - 4 Res
Clark Elbert L. (Jim) 2 165 1 1/12/1926 4/9/1984
Clark Fannie E. Brock 2 165 2 1927 2011
Clark George G. 4 259 1 12/21/1911 5/9/1991
Clark George G. 4 259 2 Res
Clark Gertrude 4 80 2 Res
Clark Linda Sue Brock 4 84 3 3/4/1943 7/24/2012
Clark Sybil W. 4 259 3 8/14/1914 10/3/1989
Clark Tamra Kay 1 118 2 12/5/1966 4/30/1965
Clark Tommy 1 118 1 Res
Clark Tommy 1 120 2 Res
Clark 2 165 4 Res
Clark 1 197 6 - 8 Res
Clarkson Earl Clements 2 114 1 10/10/1920 1/13/1975
Clarkson Richard Allen 4 223 4 Res
Clemons B. C. 1 5 5 - 6 Res
Clemons Barney C. 1 5 3 3/27/1901 12/11/1960
Clemons Ruby Verna Palmer 1 5 4 12/3/1911 1/31/1966
Cline Donald Wayne 1 207 4 11/23/1956 1/10/1964
Cline George 1 207 2 - 3 Res
Cline George Delmer 1 207 1 9/20/1908 12/1/1991
Clingman Dorothy Moore 4 177 2 12/26/1923 10/26/2008
Clubb Cecil Cornelius 4 209 1 7/11/1946 4/19/2022
Clubb Sherry Gayle Cooper 4 209 2 1/27/1946 2/3/2021
Coats Ronald D. 2 69 2 Res
Coats Ronald Duford 2 69 1 1/28/1898 10/25/1971
Cochran James F. (Frank) 2 29 1 6/26/1892 8/7/1978
Cochran John William (Jackie) 6 6 1 1/20/1948 1/7/1983
Cochran Mary Jane Welch 6 6 2 Res
Cock Irma Maria 3 59 or 60 5/3/1927 8/12/1976
Cockran Lillie 2 29 2 5/4/1892 4/30/1971
Cocks Robert Wayne 4 5 2 1923 1991
Coffman Arthur 1 178 9/21/1894 8/12/1958
Coffman James A. Sr. 4 321 1 4/14/1920 3/24/1985
Coffman James A Jr. 1 178 1 & 2 1920 1985
Coffman Mary Jo 4 321 2 9/21/1922 7/24/2001
Coffman Virginia Caskey 1 178 2/14/1899 7/19/1963
Coffman 4 321 3 - 4 Res
Cohron Cicero J. 2 196 2 11/3/1890 7/18/1968
Cohron Cicero J. 2 196 3 - 4 Res
Cohron C. J. Jr. 2 222 1 1/24/1921 6/16/1980
Cohron Frankye 2 223 2 Res
Cohron Frankye Irene Bullard 2 222 2 10/23/1921 4/4/1999
Cohron Hettie 2 196 2 3/13/1895 11/4/1977
Cohron Terry Gale 2 223 1 2/6/1951 6/14/2007
Cole Clyde 3 244 1 Res
Cole Clyde Newman 2 245 1 1896 1967
Cole Frieda Laudell 3 8 2 11/24/1908 7/11/1988
Cole Marie Alene 2 244 2 1898 1981
Cole Mary E. 2 245 2 1898 1988
Cole O. I. 3 9 1 - 2 Res
Cole O. I. 3 10 1 - 2 Res
Cole O. I. 3 11 1 - 2 Res
Cole Otha Ivan 3 8 1 9/7/1904 6/2/1989
Coleman Doris Lee 3 200 2 7/6/1931 7/29?/1981
Coleman Joseph (Jack) 3 200 1 1914 1978
Collier Jimmy Doyle 5 E 1 10/18/1934 6/30/1982
Collins Carol Jan Gilbert 2 226 1 Res
Collins Maxie Lee Sr. 2 226 2 10/25/1938 10/3/2014
Collins Maxi Lee Jr. 2 227 2 Res
Collins Sarah J. 1 157 4 9/20/1870 4/12/1956
Collins 2 227 1 Res
Colwell Josie M 2 294 2 11/4/1894 1/16/1978
Colwell William 2 294 1 10/9/1891 2/13/1966
Combest Beverlene 3 83 1, 3 Res
Combest Bobby Wyatt 3 83 2 1947 1997
Compton C. L. 2 125 1 Res
Compton C. L. 2 127 1 Res
Compton Clifton Leroy 2 125 1 2/14/1916 10/9/1984
Compton Goldie 2 127 2 9/20/1915 12/3/1991
Cook Marnie 3 59 1 4/18/1923 8/20/2002 Male
Cook Marnie 3 59 2 Res
Cook Mary B. 1 122 3 - 4 Res
Cook Mary Beatrice 1 122 2 9/29/1873 4/5/1970
Cook M. C. (Martin) 1 122 1 1/18/1880 5/8/1956
Cooper Billie Jewel Hutton ? ? ? 5/6/1906 10/30/1981 Not found
Cooper Bessie Loraine 2 255 2 3/27/1906 4/6/1985
Cooper Cleo Edgar 4 241 1 7/4/1915 5/13/1996
Cooper Delier A. Riley 1 176 2 12/6/1883 11/18/1956
Cooper Genela Mae 4 241 2 10/11/1918 3/21/2001
Cooper J. Henry 1 176 1 4/30/1882 11/13/1975
Cooper Lucy Ovella 2 81 2 7/31/1890 8/21/1980
Cooper Ned 2 34 1 - 2 Res
Cooper Pat 3 123 8/30/1940 12/22/2003 Between Pillars & Holder
Cooper William Sherman 2 81 1 12/26/1887 12/12/1973
Copenhaver James Eric (Jim) 5 68 1 6/9/1955 2/4/2019 On Eugene Sipple Lot
Copher Carol 4 203 2 10/11/1944 7/27/1999
Copher Eddie Joe 4 203 1 7/31/1931 9/17/2018
Cornett Jewel E. 2 10 1 or 2 11/15/1894 6/13/1978
Cornett W. H. (Bill) 2 10 1 or 2 3/2/1892 3/21/1968
Coskey Corliss 4 196 2 8/7/1949 4/10/1990
Coskey James Patrick (Pat) 4 196 1 8/22/1944 6/3/2009
Coskey Pat 4 196 3 Res
Coskey Tommy 4 197 2 - 4 Res
Coskey Tommy 4 197 1 5/14/1948 1/26/2021
Coskey Tommy 4 198 1 - 2 Res
Coskey Tommy 4 199 1 - 2 Res
Cox Dessie Faye 1 214 1 1906 1977
Cox Paul 4 117 2 9/28/1929 2/25/1998
Cranford Wayne 4 45 1 - 2 Res
Craighead Earl 4 104 1 10/04/1933 03/16/2020
Craighead Robert Allen 4 103 1 10/39/1936 3/16/2022
Craighead Shirley Ann Glaze 4 103 2 12/17/1939 1/14/2020
Crawford Evee Powell 3 68 1? 7/8/1919 12/7/1999
Crawford Evee Powell 3 68 2 - 4 Res
Creger Barbara 3 183 1 - 2 Res
Creger Barbara 3 184 1 - 2 Res
Creger Barbara 3 185 1 Res
Creger Leighton Chandler 3 185 2 Res
Crenshaw Jeff 4 320 2 - 3 Res
Crenshaw Joey Marcus 4 320 1 2/5/1983 2/5/1983
Cross Barbara Ann Pennington 5 28 2 5/6/1933 Res
Cross Jerry Neil 5 28 1 8/12/1934 6/13/2013
Crow Ann 3 58 1 2/21/1907 1/31/1976
Crow Charles Edward 5 35 3 9/9/1937 6/8/2019
Crow Elisabeth Sellerer 5 35 4 9/17/1941 Res
Crow Gordon B. 3 58 2 11/16/1888 11/26/1976
Crowe Jim David 4 312 1 11/14/1912 8/29/1981
Crowe Lela V. 4 312 2 5/14/1909 2/5/1988
Cryer Barbara 4 340 2 Res
Cryer Gerald Don 4 340 1 1/13/1947 10/5/2015
Cryer Kim 4 26 2 - 3 Res
Cryer Kim 4 27 1 - 2 Res
Cryer Kim 4 28 1 - 2 Res
Cryer Rodney 4



4/19/1969 7/22/2022 May be in 341 or 342
Cryer Rodney Alan 4 342 1 Res
Culipher J. C. 5 118 1 - 3 Res
Culipher J. C. 5 119 2, 4 Res
Culipher Jessie C. 5 119 1 4/9/1921 10/21/1998
Culipher Kenneth Clayton 5 119 3 3/25/1948 3/24/1983
Cummings Cleo Fern Brittian 3 166 2 2/13/1909 11/?/2000
Cummings Clyde 3 166 1 6/18/1899 1/20/1976
Cummins Margaret 1 84 2 1921 1988
Cummins Wesley 1 84 4 Res
Cummins Wesley L. 1 84 1 1918 1982
Cunningham Betty 4 315 2 4/23/1930 Res
Cunningham Bill Joe 4 306 2 Res
Cunningham Jack L. 4 315 1 8/14/1916 1/8/1993
Cunningham Terry Lynn 4 306 1 9/29/1956 7/23/2007
Curry Billie Whitehead 4 276 2 9/21/1929 6/9/2008
Curry Bobby Benson 4 276 1 7/18/1929 10/29/2012
Curry Bobbie Carolyn  Gray 4 277 1 9/16/1953 10/4/2024 Cremains
Curry James W. "Dub" 4 277 1 RESERVED His cremains will go here also 
Daane C. 5 B 1 - 2 Res
Daniel Beatrice Laverne James 6 27 4 9/29/1935 2/15/2001
Daniel Raymond (Jack) 6 27 3 11/25/1921 3/30/1995
Darland Cinnie Emma Yearly 1 30 2 12/2/1883 11/3/1966
Darland Garrett Preston 1 30 1 7/27/1875 7/20/1953
Darnell Sallie S. Stewart 1 56 1 8/18/1890 6/25/1963
Darter Edgar Columbus 5 70 4 10/8/1908 12/25/1978 Moved from New Electra Cemetery in 2011
Darter Hazel Tommie 3/3/1916 7/12/2001
Darter Lee Ola 5 70 3 7/7/1937 4/21/2011
Darter Willie Lee McClure 5 71 1 7/7/1913 7/26/2011
Darter Woodrow 5 E 1 - 4 Res
Devenport Mancil N. 1 205 2 9/221916 9/12/1963
Davenport Mildred R. Willis 1 205 1 9/24/1919 2/27/1993
Davidson Arthur Washington 1 190 4 2/23/1915 11/30/1967
Davidson Larry Don 1 190 2 11/28/1939 10/18/1962
Davidson Marvin W, 1 219 3 3/6/1913 7/10/1961
Davidson  1 190 1 Res
Davis Alma Joyce Jones Allen 2 235 2 4/8/1933 3/14/2015
Davis Alvin Miller 3 266 1 12/4/1907 5/30/1993
Davis Alvin M. Sr. 3 266 1 Res
Davis Bobbie Nicole ? ? ? 2/9/1980 2/24/1980 Dau. of Glen Davis
Davis Bobby, Kameron, Zachary 2 49 1 2/10/1980 2/10/1980
Davis Calvin 6 48 1 Cremains
Davis Clara 5 C 1 - 3 Res
Davis Essie Belle Gilbert 3 144 2 3/27/1915 5/13/2012
Davis George Milton` 5 67 1 6/11/30 12/16/2020
Davis George 3 266 3 - 4 Res
Davis Glen 1 177 5 1952 1998
Davis  Julius  Mack 3 144 1 6/5/1913 12/5/1990
Davis Mary Adeline White 5 105 3 5/23/1937 9/1/2010
Davis Nona Davidson 5 67 2 4/30/1928 6/25/2014
Davis Patricia Ann 6 22 1 11/2/1952 4/7/1999
Davis Robert Coleman (Bill) 4 83 6/24/1947 8/25/2024 Veteran
Davis Robert Coleman 4 83 2 Res for Fran
Davis Ruby Mae Thornton 3 266 2 7/24/1924 6/19/2008
Davis Velma Victoria 1 177 6 11/29/1911 2/1/1965
Davis William 5 105 2 Res
Davis Wilmer Cortez 5 8/23/1920 5/16/2005
Day Claudie 5 73 6/4/1910 1/1996
Day George J. 1 224 1 8/11/1889 2/23/1958
Day Ronnie 6 16 1 - 4 Res
Day Ronnie 5 49 2 - 4 Res
Day Ronnie 5 73 Res
Day Ronnie 5 73 Res
Day 2 244 3 - 4 Res
Day Tonie Ann Hurst 1 224 2 6/29/1891 1/1/1977
Day Vivian Maines 5 73 2/8/1919 10/5/1973
Day William B. 2 244 6/3/1920 1/29/1969
Day 2 244 3 - 4 Res
Deaton Lon 2 160 1 & 2 Centered 9/4/1881 1/27/1979
Deaton Mabel 2 161 1 & 2 Centered 7/4/1895 6/10/1988
DeFoor June 3 246 4 Res
Deiss Albert 2 19 1 Res
Deiss Albert 2 20 2 Res
Deiss Albert William 2 20 1 3/30/1886 12/20/1970
Deiss Rachel Minnie 2 19 2 8/1/1892 2/2/1991
Delarosa Julissa Jade 3 181 2 9/17/2011 9/17/2011
Delarosa Ray & Mary 3 182 1 - 2 Res
DeLeon Christopher Lloyd 4 155 4 1/9/1998 Res
DeLeon Jamie Douglas 4 155 3 6/18/1991 Res
DeLuce Frank 2 259 1 9/9/1886 2/3/1971
Deluce Opal 2 259 2 9/3/1906 1/24/1990
Detmer Caroline 4 250 1 & 2 Centered 11/28/1915 11/5/1999
Detmer Cynthia 4 250 1 3/28/1950 9/24/2001
Detmer Herbert Sr. 4 249 1 & 2 Centered 11/23/1913 11/14/1991
Dhane Charles D. 5 B 2 3/26/1936 1/6/1981
Dhane Charles Odie 5 B 2 Res
Dhane Odie B. 5 74 5/13/1911 8/23/2002
Dhane Odie B. 5 74 Res
Dhane Odie B. 5 74 Res
Dillard Docia 1 109 2 4/29/1882 7/4/1956
Dillard H. F. 1 109 1 Res
Dillard H. F. 1 111 2 Res
Dillard Jake 1 111 1 7/14/1880 3/2/1971
Dillingham John D. 2 309 2 Res
Dillingham John M. 2 309 1 1874 1970
Diseker Glenda Gahyle Baker 4 116 2 1941 2000
Diseker M. C. 4 116 1 Res
Disheroon Edna Fredia Moeller 1 203 7 1/27/1899 1/24/1990
Dobson Melba Ruth 1 200 4 Res
Dobson Samuel 1 200 3 6/25/1938 6/8/2019
Dodge Vickie Joyce 4 43 2 8/2/1956 1/6/2012
Dodson Esther Faye 2 213 2 10/24/1932 11/4/2001
Dodson Faye 2 213 1 Res
Dodson Florine Roach 1 92 5 5/6/1901 4/4/1996
Dodson Wilfred Ted 1 92 4 7/1/1900 2/15/1981 Per obit
Dodson W. T. 1 92 6 Res
Doores Howard 3 98 1 4/16/1979 5/21/1979
Doores Thelma Elizabeth Coffey 3 98 2 12/20/1909 12/25/2002
Dorman Anna Mae Lueb 4 351 2 11/7/1922 1/7/2017
Doshier Dora A. Sinks 1 139 or 140 4/20/1884 4/16/1965
Doshier George Deese 1 139 2 1925 1954
Doshier Richard 1 139 or 140 8/10/1885 3/20/1954
Doshier Richard 1 139 1 - 3 Res
Doshier Richard 1 140 1 - 3 Res
Dotson Dwight 4 134 3 - 4 Res
Dotson Dwight Sr. 4 134 1 3/14/1951 Res
Dotson Neena Marie 4 134 2 9/16/1952 11/11/1953
Douglas Effie  Giles 1 50 9/12/1900 9/5/1958
Douglas Wendell Lee 1 50 9/7/1900 6/11/1978
Douglas Windel 1 50 1 - 8 Res
Douglas Windel 1 50 Res
Douglas Windel 1 50 Res
Douglas Windel 1 50 Res
Douglas Windel 1 50 Res
Douglas Windel 1 50 Res
Dow Helen McBroom 4 204 2 4/28/1926 10/11/2015
Dow Joseph Martin 4 204 1 8/28/1934 12/17/2017
Dowden A. L. 1 157 4 Res
Dowden Archie L. 1 157 1 3/24/1901 1/30/1991
Dowden Gerald C. 1 157 3 6/5/1928 2/17/1990
Dowden Ruby C. Collins 1 157 2 5/13/1907 6/23/1995
Downtain Claude (Doc) 4 310 1 2/6/1904 1/13/1986
Downtain Corinne 4 310 2 6/4/1904 9/14/2000
Doyle Leota Christine Murphy 4 359 4 2/12/1921 5/11/2003
Doyle Marshall Elwood 4 359 3 3/23/1919 12/21/2010
Drennan Lenora Barry 6 75 1 4/15/1922 7/28/2010
Drennan Lenora 6 76 1 - 4 Res
Drennan Leonard Lee 6 75 2 ca 1917  7/22/1993
Drennan Nora Verna 2 131 2 12/27/1894 12/4/1983
Drennan R. E. (Bob) 2 131 1 9/12/1894 12/26/1972
Dudley Betty Jo 5 120 2 7/11/1923 9/10/1981
Dudley S. D. 5 120 1, 4 Res
Dudley Sherrell 5 120 3 10/31/1910 11/26/1982
Duke Eileen Helms 2 177  1 4/2/1937 1/13/1980
Duke Eileen 1 177 1 - 3 Res
Duke Eileen 1 178 1 - 4 Res
Duke Ethel Helms 2 177  4/2/1937 1/13/1980
Dunagan Abner 1 165 1 & 2 Centered 1/3/1880 2/17/1963
Dunagan Cora Ann Glissen 1 165 3 & 4 Centered 4/11/1879 5/18/1968
Duncan Thomas Benton 1 167 5 2/23/1914 6/15/1961
Dunham Edna L. 2 105 2 1/26/1900 1/8/1973
Dunham R. F. 2 105 4 Res
Dunham Richard E. 2 105 1 10/18/1895 9/5/1972
Dunham Virginia Joyce 2 105 3 4/26/1918 8/11/1995
Dunn Clyde S. 1 78 1 1891 1961
Dunn Merle C. 1 78 2 12/17/1894 1/7/1971
Dunne Betty  Barrow 3 71 4 6/26/1939 11/28/1991
Duren Del (Doug) 3 42 1 6/1/1933 2/17/2002
Duren George 3 37 3 - 4 Res
Duren George 3 38 2 - 3 Res
Duren  George C. 1 79 2 10/24/1887 3/22/1972
Duren George C. 1 79 1 Res
Duren  George C. 1 80 2 Res
Duren George Rollo 3 41 2 6/28/1935 10/17/2022 Cremains
Duren Herbert 3 42 2 8/17/1907 12/5/1990
Duren Hubert 3 41 1 - 4 Res
Duren Hubert 3 43 1 - 4 Res
Duren Ida (Lady) 3 42 3 11/10/1911 12/7/1999
Duren Kenneth Lynn (Bull) 3 42 4 7/26/1940 2/12/2002
Duren Martha V. Owens 1 80 1 4/17/1888 2/5/1960
Duren Velma LaJune Thomas 3 41 3 6/30/1938 9/30/2023 Cremains
Dutton Larry Lynn 6 1 1 - 10 Res
Dutton Larry Lynn 6 1 5 12/12/1946 5/27/2024
Dutton Mary Ella Erwin 4 92 1 12/27/1940 7/21/2020
Dutton Tommy 4 91 2 1/28/1939 8/7/2023
Eakin Addie Louise Cooper 2 55 2 12/2/1897 4/10/1972
Eakin Anna 2 152, 153, or 154 2 5/12/1916 7/31/1986
Eakin Anna Lee 2 152 2 Res
Eakin Davis Ray, Jr 2 54 1 4/9/1925 12/22/1997
Eakin D. R., Jr. 2 54 4 Res
Eakin Dave R., Sr. 2 55 3 - 4 Res
Eakin Davis Ray, Sr. (D. R.) 2 55 1 12/4/1902 5/3/1971
Eakin Earl D. 1 210 3 Res
Eakin Edgar 2 110 1 - 2 Res. Keep Vacant
Eakin Edgar Newton 2 110 3 7/17/1931 2/9/2013
Eakin Georgia Louise Crain 2 110 2 3/9/1932 1/29/2010
Eakin Helen Jean 2 54 2 5/27/1928 10/9/2002
Eakin James E. 2 152 1 Res
Eakin James E. 2 154 1 Res
Eakin James Earl 2 152, 153, or 154 1 6/18/1908 6/5/1996
Eakin J. E. 2 153 1 - 2 Res
Eaton Lois Leola 4 354 1 3/23/1924 2/26/1994
Eaves Hugh Elbert 2 134 1 11/18/1887 4/17/1975

Luvie, Reeves, Eaves, Case

2 134 2 6/10/1897 3/15/1991
Edwards Carrie Lucille 4 20 2 Res
Edwards Harry M. 1 132 3 1880 1953
Edwards Helen M. Frenn 1 132 2 4/6/1890 1/11/1989
Edwards Henry M. 1 177 2 5/16/1910 1/3/1967
Edwards Herbert Milton 1 132 1 2/17/1908 12/27/1993
Edwards James Harlan 6 88 1 2/21/1960 Res
Edwards Jamilene G. Shrock 6 88 2 7/23/1954 12/17/2017
Edwards Tonnie Belle McCarty 1 177 1 11/15/1921 12/22/1964
Edwards William (Bill) 4 20 1 1908 1988
Eggenberg Etta 1 44 2 8/16/1906 11/14/1975
Eggenberg H. E. 1 43 1 Res
Eggenberg Henry E. 1 44 1 8/12/1903 11/6/1958
Eggenberg Laverna Fennell 1 43 2 Res
Eldred Susie P. 3 102 1 - 2 Res
Ellis Beatrice V. 2 37 2 12/24/1906 1/13/1985
Ellis Hildegard Anna 5 48 2 9/21/1927 11/26/2000
Ellis Horace C. 2 37 1 8/24/1899 9/8/1968
Ellis  William Bunyon 5 48 1 1907 1955
Engbrock Audrey Jo McCarty 4 339 4 Res
Engbrock Dylan Ogden 4 339 3 4/21/1992 Res
Engbrock Jane Ann Ogden 6 87 2 12/13/1965 Res
Engbrock Randy Lynn 6 87 1 12/9/1941 Res
Engelking Conrad 1 131 3 - 4 Res
Engelking Conrad Phillip 1 131 2 6/2/1891 5/24/1952
Engelking Hilda Wallace 1 131 1 9/22/1885 12/15/1970
Enloe Ben 1 17 3 Res
Enloe Ben O. 1 17 1 1/28/1896 12/15/1961
Enloe Ola Mae Swanson 1 17 2 5/16/1896 6/26/1992
Eppers Quida Jewel Smith 2 286 2 1/25/1922 12/23/1976
Epps Randall Taylor 3 188 1 10/2/1952 3/25/1981
Estman Mildred Jane Lumley 1 53 1 1/18/1914 4/14/2001
Estman William Peter 1 53 2 11/20/1907 9/5/1961
Evans Bessie Thompson 1 74 2 4/24/1896 10/31/1981
Evans Everett 1 74 1 7/22/1902 3/25/1959
Falls Edith Lucinda Glasier 1 131 5 or 6 3/9/1876 10/7/1964
Farrow Nathaniel (Infant) 6 64 2 10/278/2011 11/02/2011
Feigly Dorothy Totten 1 1 1 8/24/1899 11/12/1980
Felts Donald Ray 3 264 3 6/7/1933 6/16/2022
Felts Virginia Jones 3 264 4 4/6/1937 6/14/2007
Fennell LaVerna 1 45 or 46 3/26/1926 5/16/1969
Fennell Tristan Dewayne 2 140 2 11/13/2006 11/13/2006
Ferguson Richard 4 264 1 Res
Finley Pearl O'Conner 2 107 4 11/19/1915 12/16/1992
Finley Wilma U. 2 107 3 9/3/1919 2/27/2004
Fish Ava Elizabeth Shaw 4 375 3 4/3/1909 4/28/2006
Fish  Mary Ellen Totten 1 1 6 2/2/1931 4/15/1991
Fish Pascal Ennis 4 375 4 6/4/1903 6/24/1981
Fisher Gene 4 71 1 1922 1990
Fisher Johnnie B. 1 177 4 7/31/1914 5/28/1957
Fisher Mabel 4 71 2 1926 1998
Fisher William B. 1 177 3 1/20/1912 11/12/1972
Fitts Cora Bell 1 189 3 1/10/1905 9/18/1980
Flint D. L. 1 209 7 - 8 Res
Flint Dorsey, Sr. (D. L.) 1 209 5 8/23/1879 6/12/1963
Flint Gladys Dehlia Rixford 1 209 6 4/25/1909 3/19/2004
Flippin Ann 3 5 4 1933 1996
Flippin Cecil 3 5 3 1923 2000
Flippin Jewell 3 5 2 8/22/1901 10/30/1983
Flippin Willie J. 3 5 1 9/16/1902 1/25/1975
Floyd James Moffett 1 86 2 1910 1960
Ford Alick Corbin 5 65 1 2/19/1887 10/5/1993
Ford Fannie Hargrove 1 94 2 1898 11/8/1976
Ford Juanita Zeck 5 65 2 1/20/1895 6/7/1983
Ford Otto Claude 1 94 1 9/28/1892 10/15/1960
Fore J. C. (Britches) 3 84 1 8/17/1911 3/2/1980
Fore Luna Beatrice Fisher 3 84 2 10/17/1911 3/19/1986
Forrider Maude Ellen 4 319 2 9/11/1899 2/12/1985
Forshaw Harva Lee 1 73 4 1/23/1932 7/26/1959
Foster Alexis Lea 2 228 Res
Foster David Lee 2 229 1 Res
Foster Ed. Jr. 2 3 4 1/18/1909 1/10/1973
Foster Ed. Sr. 2 4 1 Res
Foster Elaine 4 242 1 - 2 Res
Foster Helen Genevieve 2 4 2 11/25/1911 6/5/2004
Foster Tammy Lynn Colllins 2 228 Res
Foster Waller 1 183 1 1/31/1899 1/30/1965
Foster Wilma 1 183 2 4/26/1901 4/5/1989
Foster 2 3 3 Res
Fowler Annie Z. 2 53 2 1/31/1896 12/31/1991
Fowler Betty Jo Kidwell 3 35 2 5/23//1927 5/2/2023
Fowler Betty 3 35 3 Res
Fowler Brenda Sue Parish 4 25 3 10/04/1951 09/15/2023
Fowler Emma 2 253 2 5/4/1912 2/28/1995
Fowler James M. 2 53 1 12/1/1896 2/11/1979
Fowler Raymond 2 253 1 6/1/1910 1/3/1968
Fowler Raymond 2 254 1 - 2 Res
Fowler Willard 3 35 1 11/10/1924 10/10/1947
Foy Bonnie A. Downing 1 243 2 Res
Foy J. A. 1 243 3 - 4 Res
Foy James A. 1 243 1 2/7/1886 9/14/1961
Foytik Benjamin Edward, Sr. 2 21 1 8/25/1922 5/31/1994
Foytik Helen Marie 2 21 2 2/16/1925 Res
Fraker Don Kiel 3 46 3 11/13/1937 2/13/2008
Fraker Effie Irene Eaves 3 46 2 10/23/1914 5/15/2011
Fraker Harold 3 46 1 4/24/1901 8/24/1974
Fraker H. W. 3 46 4 Res
Franklin Curtis 2 7 1 1/5/1903 4/26/1977
Franklin Frank Oliver, Jr. 1 76 1 4/19/1927 10/19/2003
Franklin Ola Cambron 2 7 2 1/6/1910 7/13/1977
Franklin Rose Laverne Marsh 1 76 2 3/6/1921 11/12/2009
Frazor James M. 2 33 1 9/24/1894 5/23/1970
Frazor Virginia R. 2 33 2 6/30/1901 12/8/1977
Frey Mattie 3 263 3 11/2/1892 9/6/1982
Fritsche Charlie R. 2 297 1 5/2/1888 7/28/1967
Fritsche Doris E. (Dorothy) 3 6 2 1/31/1922 3/29/2019
Fritsche Gertrude 2 64 2 4/17/1919 1/7/2002
Fritsche Hulda M. Bisert 2 297 2 9/25/1885 10/6/1965
Fritsche Richard 3 6 1 1/17/1920 10/26/1978
Fritsche Ted 2 64 1 9/29/1909 11/4/1969
Fugiti Frank 1 117 1 1894 1965
Fugiti Vivian 1 117 2 1914 1961
Fullerton Jan Della 3 135 2 Res
Fullerton Mary Jo 3 120 2 1917 1976
Fullerton Murrey 3 120 1 1918 1989
Fullerton Murrey 3 120 3 Res
Fulton Borden 1 159 1, 3 - 4 Res
Fulton Shirley A. 1 159 2 11/6/1932 8/8/1970
Gaddy Artie M. 1 2 2 9/28/1902 Res
Gaddy David A. 1 2 1 12/24/1894 6/28/1956
Gafford Ethel L. Sorrels 1 215 2 1900 1983
Gafford Gordon Wortham 2 275 1 1/28/1886 1/18/1968
Gafford James Thomas 6 63 1 Res
Gafford J. T. 1 215 1 - 2 Res
Gafford J. T. 6 63 3 - 4 Res
Gafford Minnie Mae 6 63 2 12/11/1918 6/5/2003
Gafford Myrtle Eula Stanley 2 275 2 6/26/1896 4/11/1971
Gafford William Lee 1 214 2 1923 1962
Gafford William Owen 4 220 1 12/16/1958 3/2/2017
Gafford William Robert 1 215 3 1888 1962
Gafford W. L. 1 214 1 Res
Gafford - Brackeen Peggy M. Cox 1 214 3 1930 2007
Garcia Donna Sue Davidson 4 108 2 12/10/1958 Res
Garcia Jose Manuel 4 108 1 9/10/1954 3/17/2009
Garcia Josefa M. 2 140 1 3/17/1922 11/16/1972
Garlets Gabriella Hope 2 233 3 Res
Garner Adelia B. 5 10 2 1923 2/4/1983
Garner Harold Jr. 5 10 2 5/20/1943 2/19/2012
Garner Harold Gene, Sr. 5 10 1 8/29/1921 4/27/1996
Garner J. P. (Johnnie) 1 35 1 1/12/1888 2/22/1956
Garner Maggie 1 35 2 12/3/1890 12/14/1961
Garrard Ray Leonard 6 18 1 3/22/1909 6/2/1990
Garrard Ruth 6 18 2 2/6/2002
Gass James O. 6 60 1 1/25/1925 3/2/1993
Gass Orean 6 60 2 2/23/1927 11/5/1986
Gattis Bill J. 6 67 1 Res
Gattis Lola A. Hedrick 6 67 2 3/6/1916 12/24/2013
Gault  Craig 1 19 1 8/7/1902 4/19/1954
Gault R. L. 1 20 1 - 4 Res
Gault Ruby Thompson 1 19 2 3/13/1910 7/18/1972
Gee Billy Joel 4 352 1 3/20/1930 1/7/1997
Gee Carl Leon 4 189 1 7/20/1928 6/19/1980
Gee Harold Wayne 6 78 1 10/29/1934 11/6/2019
Gee Janice Marie Kelley 6 78 2 Res
Gee Jeffrey Don 4 351 1 9/5/1961 8/31/2006
Gee Joyce Ann Rowe 4 352 2 8/14/1929 12/20/2022
Gee Kyle Brandon 4 274 3 10/17/1988 6/20/2008
Gee Lenora G. Jackson 2 284 2 5/12/1915 8/28/2005
Gee Occle Lee 2 284 1 4/5/1911 9/26/1967
Gee Occle Lee 2 285 1 - 2 Res
Gentry Bertha Lucille Scott 4 180 2 12/8/1922 2/7/2014
Gentry Cecilia Marie McMahon 4 181 4 11/11/1966 Res
Gentry Jessie Dean 4 170 1 Res
Gentry Jessie D. 4 171 2 Res
Gentry Jessie Dean 4 181 3 12/19/1960 Res
Gentry Katherine Willie 4 143 2 9/5/1942 9/29/2011
Gentry Weldon Leon 4 143 1 5/31/1940 11/1/2014
Gentry Willie C. 4 180 1 8/22/1917 11/1/1989
Gibaon Wilma Oxford 1 172 2 2/24/1904 10/18/1959
Gibbs Bob 2 38 2 Res
Gibbs Robert E. 2 38 1 5/13/1916 1/10/1969
Gibbs Scotty Ray 4 269 1 11/4/1968 3/7/2001
Gibson Annie Laura 2 129 2 12/1/1897 12/1/1988
Gibson Charles Preston 2 129 1 3/28/1893 8/26/1972
Gibson Daris Laverne Graham 1 160 4 9/1/1932 1/31/2011
Gibson Donald 1 45 1 Res
Gibson J. A. O'Pry 1 45 2 - 6 Res
Gibson Lonnie Joe 1 160 3 4/19/1931 7/1/2001
Gibson Lynn 3 263 4 Res
Gibson  Mary O'Pry 1 45 11/22/1927 5/29/1961
Gibson Myrtle V. 1 46 2 1/20/1898 5/23/1960
Gibson Pam 4 325 4 Res
Gibson Ray A. 1 46 1 10/12/1897 1/?/1975
Gibson Roy Ellington 1 223 1 11/12/1886 6/2/1959
Gibson Stella M. Cabe 1 223 2 5/6/1898 7/31/1989
Gilbert Boyd (Dick) 4 240 1 10/11/1907 11/3/1997
Gilbert Bonnie 3 47 2 8/12/1914 5/22/1988
Gilbert Chaz 4 240 4 10/22/1987 1/23/2007
Gilbert C. L. (Pete) 4 189 6 9/13/1912 6/8/1993
Gilbert Clara Bell (Bobo) Alderman 4 240 2 2/27/1916 6/19/2007
Gilbert Dalton Louis 4 171 1 11/29/1993 Res
Gilbert Delbert 2 51 1, 4 Res
Gilbert Delbert Charles (Doug) 2 41 2 4/12/1904 4/20/2004
Gilbert Diki 4 240 3 10/3/1954 11/1/1998
Gilbert Donnie Ray 3 47 3 1938 1976
Gilbert Dorothy Frances 4 189 5 11/2/1919 11/11/2009
Gilbert Effie Bell 2 51 3 2/6/1905 8/6/1972
Gilbert Gladys McDaniel 4 169 2 4/5/1912 6/5/2005
Gilbert Harvey L. 2 52 1 7/19/1918 7/4/2013
Gilbert H. L. (Pat) 4 169 1 7/19/1918 7/14/2013
Gilbert Jim Bob 4 189 4 10/5/1967 6/15/2009
Gilbert J. W. 3 35 1 - 2 Res
Gilbert Kelly Morgan 4 170 4 1/10/1967 Res
Gilbert Lacey Lynette 4 170 1 4/10/1988 Res
Gilbert Margaret E. 2 52 1 or 2 8/31/1922 8/16/1971
Gilbert Mignon (Mindy) 3 48 4 7/5/1965 2/7/1981
Gilbert Michael 4 190 2 Res
Gilbert Michael Louis, Jr. 4 171 1 4/23/1964 Res
Gilbert Paul David 4 189 3 4/6/1952 9/19/1978
Gilbert Ralph 4 200 1 - 2 Res
Gilbert Ralph 4 239 1 Res
Gilbert Ralph & Jan 4 201 1 - 2 Res
Gilbert Raymond A. (Douge) 3 47 1 10/7/1910 5/6/1999
Gilbert Troy 3 47 4 Res
Gilbert Troy 3 48 2 - 3 Res
Gilbert 4 189 2 Res
Gillean Suzanna Huff 3 236 4 1971 2015
Gillis Gilbert Joseph 1 237 2 7/1/1893 6/24/1959
Gillis Ruth Denoles 1 237 1 8/29/1898 11/21/1976
Gillum Leonard 1 99 3 6/28/1891 7/5/1965
Gillum Leonard 1 99 1, 4 - 8 Res
Gillum Leonard 1 162 3
Gillum Vivian Stone 1 99 2 6/6/1900 4/11/1974
Gillum Vivian 1 162 2 Res
Gilmore A. Leona 1 135 3 5/10/1893 7/23/1970
Gilmore Emel R. 1 135 2 1/27/1892 1/22/1976
Gilmore Mary 1 136 4 Res
Gilmore Melinda 1 135 4 7/20/1949 7/2/1991
Gilmore Ned Moffett 1 136 3 7/9/1919 3/10/1956
Givens Dale F. 1 71 1 9/24/1896 1/16/1961
Givens Donald D. 1 69 2/8/1927 5/7/2023
Givens Flounoy L. 1 69 2 4/18/1917 7/21/1980
Givens Lillian Janice Dougherty 1 68 2 6/26/1926 9/6/2010
Givens Lucian Scales 1 71 2 2/27/1898 3/4/1981
Givens Lynwood 2 292 1 - 2 Res
Givens Lynwood 2 293 1 - 2 Res
Givens Monty O. 3 176 1 - 2 Res
Givens Monty O. 3 177 2 Res
Givens Monty Ogden 3 177 3 2/7/1932 6/9/2010
Givens Rebecca Sue 3 48 1 12/14/1948 8/3/1980
Givens Sally Beth Walton 3 177 4 2/2/1920 86 yrs. old
Givens Valeta Don 1 68 1 Res
Glissen Alma 4 253 2 2/18/1916 8/31/1982
Glissen Grady Odie 4 253 1 10/4/1914 5/21/1980
Glissen 4 253 3 Res
Glover Gladys P. 1 174 6 10/15/1912 Res
Glover Herbert W. 1 174 5 10/12/1902 9/29/1964
Goforth Brad 581 8 11/23/1972 2/23/2022 New Electra
Goforth William 2 103 4 Res
Goforth William Marshall 2 103 1 7/15/19047 11/17/1973
Golden Etta 1 156 4 Res
Golden Etta Bell Walkup 1 156 2 1/6/1921 4/4/2005
Golden Luther N. (chief) 6 10 1 4/5/1905 3/1/1998
Golden Reeves B. 1 156 1 11/18/1915 8/4/1956
Golden Trudie D. 6 10 2 1/12/1908 9/1/1992
Gonzales Jesus M. 2 141 2 5/15/1951 6/2/2008
Gonzales Paula 1 210 4 Res
Gooch Doyle 4 317 2 Res
Gooch Doyle Marvin 4 317 1 4/25/1894 2/29/1984
Gooch Freida Bildstein 4 317 3 4/2/1904 11/7/1987
Goodman Homer 4 129 1 7/5/1905 7/19/2000
Goodman Howard, Everett & Homer 3 44 1 - 4 Res
Goodman Lorene M. 4 129 2 4/28/1911 11/26/2000
Goodwin Bill 3 49 2 - 4 Res.-Transferred to Eliz. Jones
Goodwin Billy E. 3 49 1 4/16/1933 10/4/1976
Goodwin Kenneth Earl 2 303 2 10/20/1934 10/14/2011
Goodwin Marilyn Sue McClure 2 303 1 2/27/1942 Res
Goodwin Rose 1 154 2 8/8/1914 4/30/1963
Goodwin W. B. 1 154 3 - 4 Res
Goodwin Weldon Bailey 1 154 1 1908 1/27/1983
Gookin James Wesley 3 18 1 1/24/1899 7/10/1974
Gookin Lucy M. 3 18 2 Res
Goolsby Charlie R. 3 90 1 11/21/1916 6/2/1979
Goolsby Nancy M. 3 90 2 1/29/1915 Res
Gore Alma Faye 3 246 1 10/8/1924 11/20/1997
Gottfriend Doris 6 57 1 - 3 Res
Goulding Cora 3 96 2 2/19/1900 8/24/1985
Goulding Wylie (Shorty) 3 96 1 8/13/1899 5/27/1999
Gowen Aquilla 5 110 2 11/28/1934 6/9/1990
Gowen Bobbie Gilbert 1 166 4 9/21/1911 11/12/1995
Gowen Gene 5 110 1 Res
Gowen Gene 5 109 1 - 4 Res
Gowen J. B. (Jack) 1 166 3 5/2/1900 1/9/1963
Grace Larkin F. 4 330 1 2/15/1910 9/26/1986
Grace Rosa Nell 4 330 2 1/27/1912 1/12/1987
Graf Ella M. 6 3 2 12/27/1915 11/1/1986
Graf Ewald 6 3 1 7/9//1918 12/4/1981
Gragnani Gus 1 146 9/3/1890 12/16/1955
Gragnani Gus 1 146 Res
Gragnani Gus 1 146 Res
Graham Darrell Wayne 4 71 3 2/28/1947 1/7/2018
Graham Dayton B. (Friday) 5 1A 3 4/27/1908 9/2/1986
Graham Gynith Pauline Gaines 5 1A 4 8/29/1910 10/23/2005
Graham Johnnie A. 1 164 5 & 6 Centered 9/21/1901 1/21/1976
Graham Norma Hillard 3 69 2 9/13/1931 11/16/2012
Graham Ruby Pearl Richardson 1 164 7 & 8 Centered 7/2/1902 11/19/1986
Graham Wayne 3 69 1 5/23/1923 9/3/1991
Grant George 3 248 1 - 3 Res
Grant George & Betty 3 247 2 - 4 Res
Grant George W. 3 247 2 1/27/1937 4/6/2002
Graves Gary 3 110 2 9/11/1934 1/16/2004
Graves Henry F. (Bill) 4 130 1 12/3/1917 3/10/2003
Graves H. F. 4 131 1 - 2 Res
Graves Janis Loveta (Meta) 4 130 2 6/18/1923 5/19/2016
Graves Michael O. 3 110 1 11/11/1947 10/28/2015
Graves Neva B. 4 321 4 10/17/1888 6/29/1985
Graves Ronal Ford 4 130 3 7/31/1955 3/29/1980
Graves Tommy Lewis 3 110 4 5/27/1931 3/29/1980
Graves Vera 3 110 3 4/17/1908 2/25/1986
Gray C. A. 4 17 1 Res
Gray Karen Melissa Morgan 4 170 4 6/10/1970 Res
Gray - Matthews Oma 4 17 2 12/26/1931 8/28/1900
Green Curtis Leroy 4 39 1 10/7/1948 1/21/2015
Green Gerald Ray 2 254  1953 1992
Green Sonya La Tina Perry 4 40 3 7/10/1974 1/10/2014
Green Verlene 4 40 1 - 4 Res
Green Verlen Louise Burris 4 39 2 7/6/1952 Res
Greenhouse William Kenneth 4 354 3 4/29/1944 12/2/1993
Greenway Myrtle Laura 2 258 2 8/18/1902 2/11/1972
Greenway Rupert Elmer (R. E.) 2 258 1 6/20/1897 7/10/1971
Greer Bettie J. 3 112 4 Res
Griffin Edessa Welch 2 63 2 10/13/1897 11/30/1970
Griffin John 2 62 S 1/2 Res
Griffin John 2 63 1 12/22/1892 6/30/1984
Griffin Nora Willie Melton 1 175 11/22/1893 2/24/1971
Griffin William D. 1 175 1 1/8/1878 3/29/1957
Grisham Charlie A. 5 1 A 1 or 2 12/10/1910 6/22/1988
Grisham Lura C. 5 1A 2 or 2 4/7/1916 4/8/2009
Gumpert Lula Oneta 3 122 3 1/1/1900 9/25/1987
Gumpert William 3 121 1 4/15/1899 10/5/1978
Gustav Frank 2 92 2 Res
Gustav Frank Jr. 2 92 1 7/20/1900 12/5/1970
Gwinn Charles P. 3 127 1 Res
Gwinn Edna Mae 1 200 7 8/3/1890 7/9/1982
Gwinn Ladonna G. 3 127 2 Res
Gwinn Ruby V. 1 145 3
Gwinn Sterling Price 1 145 1 1888 1954
Haas Dana E. 1 72 2 5/17/1923 4/12/2006
Hale Alden Marcus 2 1 2 8/3/1910 11/6/1968
Hale A. M.  2 1 1, 4 Res
Hale Audrey Sarah 2 1 3 1/25/1912 10/8/1994
Halencak Steve Allen 4 107 1 8/8/1955 5/20/2016
Halencak Tonya Kim Rich 4 107 2 8/25/1963 12/15/2009
Halford Leo Jefferson 5 12 3 10/9/1923 5/7/2009
Halford Mary June 5 12 4 1924 11/3/1988
Halford Nancy 4 71 3 - 4 Res
Hall Columbus H. 1 180 5 2/16/1892 12/9/1964
Hall Cynthia Ann 1 84 3 1942 1960
Hall Grace Walker Jones Walker 1 180 7/26/1896 1/30/1991
Hall Walter & Mary 3 190 1 - 2 Res.
Hallmark Charles Ervin 4 35 2 Res
Hallmark Ella E. Stonesifer 1 143 2 1889 1955
Hallmark Elmer D. 1 143 3 1916 1977
Hallmark John L. 1 143 1 6/4/1888 5/11/1959
Hallmark Joy Chambers 4 35 1
Haltom Earl 3 63 1 Res
Haltom E. V. 3 63 2 - 4 Res
Hamilton Betty Ruth 4 58 2 1931 2015
Hamilton Etta 1 189 2 1906 1998
Hamilton R. D. 4 58 1 1925 1994
Hamilton William Porter 1 189 1 2/13/1908 3/19/1963
Hamlin Fred 3 250 1, 4 Res
Hamlin Fred 3 250 2 8/25/1923 10/9/1999
Hamlin Martha Nona Stansel 3 250 3 2/5/1921 7/24/2015
Hammonds Frances Lorell Clarkson 6 9 2 2/6/1919 1/15/1984
Hammonds 6 9 1 Res
Hammons Jean 3 39 1 - 4 Res
Hammons Willie Lee 3 38? 1 9/7/1926 2/24/1978
Hanks Cecil Howard 4 308 1.5 11/6/1908 12/30/1985
Hanks Elmo (Curley) 4 334 1 12/29/1906 12/12/2000
Hanks Jane Marie Boyle 4 139 2 7/17/1951 1/7/2021
Hanks Jerry 4 334 4 Res
Hanks Jerry Wayne (Bubbie) 4 334 3 6/28/1940 8/6/1991
Hanks Marcille 4 334 2 12/7/1915 9/15/1990
Hanks Opal Mae 4 308 1.5 10/24/1911 3/14/1991
Hanna Wesley Earl 3 171 1 6/17/1915 2/6/2005
Hanna Wilma 3 171 2 1919 1977
Hanson David 5 50 1 - 2 Transferred to Rita Sampley in 2012
Hanson David Lee 5 51 1 12/21/1951 1/25/2015
Hanson David 5 51 2 Transferred to Rita Sampley in 2012
Hanson David 4 74 1 - 2 Transferred to Rita Sampley
Hanson Debra Britt 4 294 2 Res
Hanson Viola Austin 1 158 2 2/16/1934 1/21/2004
Haralson Cull C. 1 149 2 6/7/1894 6/27/1959
Haralson Ruby K. 1 149 1 12/30/1894 12/25/1955
Harden Danny Lee 5 5A 6 2/8/1950 3/3/2005
Harden Linda Morris Waldrip Harden Morris 5 5A 7 1/15/1961 8/26/2004
Harden Thad Aaron 5 5A 8 9/8/1982 1/3/1983
Harden 5 5A 5 Res
Hardgrove  Betty Zoe 4 118 2 ca 1924 8/12/2017
Hardgrove Lee Ann 4 118 3 12/31/1946 6/24/1948
Hardgrove Robert 4 118 4 Res
Hardgrove Robert E. 4 118 1 2/27/1925 1/2/1992
Harris Alice Redin 2 201 1 1/28/1907 4/25/2001
Harris Cecil D. 2 201 3 12/30/1926 6/14/1999
Harris David Franklin 2 200 4 4/2/1902 3/1/1996
Harris D. F. 2 200 1,  3 Res
Harris D. F. 2 201 2, 4 Res
Harris Elliot Ward 2 99 3 12/1/1919 6/3/2002
Harris G. B. 2 99 4 Res
Harris George Britton 2 99 1 11/3/1892 1/17/1985
Harris George Britton 2 99 4 Res
Harris Vera Thelma Jones 2 99 2 11/12/1898 12/9/1993
Hartgroves Maude 2 76 2 6/5/1893 7/3/1971
Hartgroves William (Red) 2 76 1 11/15/1896 8/3/1970
Harvey Ann L. 1 57 1 3/4/1904 6/1/1986
Harvey Donald R. 6 1A 1 9/15/1932 12/26/1996
Harvey Greta McAfee 6 1A 2 3/11/1935 9/7/2011
Harvey Margret Richardson 1 96 1 - 8 Res
Harvey Margaret Richardson 1 96 2 - 4, 8 Res
Harvey Richard B. 1 57 2 12/1/1904 11/15/1963
Harvey W. E. 2 49 2 Res
Hataway Bascom L. 2 268 1 6/26/1909 9/24/1988
Hataway Fern Carter 2 268 2 7/11/1914 4/21/1998
Hatcher Etta I. 1 192 1 5/25/1892 5/?/1976
Hatcher Marvin B. 1 192 2 12/22/1888 8/28/1958
Hatfield Goerge Doanld (Don) 5 105 1 Res
Hatfield Michael 4 237 1 - 4 Res
Hatfield Michael 4 238 1 - 2 Res
Hatfield Michael 4 239 2 Res
Hatten F. A. 5 11 2 Res
Hatten Floyd Allen 5 11 1 12/25/1900 1/13/1994
Havens Chester Arthur 2 78 2 10/16/1881 12/11/1974
Havens Cora Ellen 2 78 1 1/3/1884 1/17/1972
Havens Elmer 1 214 4/13/1895 3/10/1965
Havens Elmer Lawrence 1 213 1 4/13/1895 3/10/1965
Havens Elmer Lawrence 1 213 2 Res
Hayers Carl 5 3 2 4/30/1914 1/11/1984
Hayers Emogene Waggoner 5 3 1 6/23/1914 2/12/2014
Hayers Paul 5 1 1 - 2 Res
Hayers Paul 5 2 1 - 4 Res
Hayers Paul 5 4 1 - 2 Res
Hayers Paul H. 5 3 3 Res
Hayers Paul H. 5 3 4 12/2/1942 11/18/2010
Hayes Kathleen McBride 3 19 2 9/22/1907 11/17/1976
Hayes Lunna Lee Chester 3 19 1 5/8/1900 2/22/1984
Hayes Euzella 3 325 3 3/22/1904 5/7/1997
Haynes Anna Mae 5 6 1 6/8/1919 Res
Haynes Elwood 5 6 2 Res
Haynes Elwood C. 5 5 2 11/13/1916 4/13/2003
Haynes Elwood Corder 5 58 1 - 2 Res
Haynes Grace 5 57 2 1/23/1920 12/22/2009
Haynes Henry H. 1 127 1 2/5/1876 7/4/1960
Haynes H. H. 1 127 3 - 4 Res
Haynes Homer 1 126 1 1905 1959
Haynes John Timothy 5 77 1 7/1/1945 10/4/2019
Haynes Morris 5 59 1 Res
Haynes Morris Elwood 5 5 1 9/26/1940 5/27/1982
Haynes Paul 5 7 1 - 2 Res
Haynes Paul  2 115 1 - 2, 4 Res
Haynes Paul D. 5 57 1 6/5/1919 6/5/2005
Haynes Sina E. 1 127 2 1875 11/15/1953
Haynes 1 126 2 Res
Haynes Elwood / Carl Shirley 1 126 3 Res
Hayward David Michael 6 7 1 Res
Hayworth Mary 1 83 2 12/9/1889 1/31/1975
Hefley  Patsy 4 265 2 Res
Hefley Rondal James (Jim) 4 266 1 8/4/1934 2/7/1997
Hefley - Duensing Patsy Emmons 4 266 2 5/15/1934 6/5/2016
Helms Cecil B. 2 176 1 9/19/1905 11/12/1983
Helms Cecil P. 2 176 3 9/18/1933 2/22/1984
Helms Estelle 2 176 2 1/31/1912 7/22/2006
Helms Estelle 2 176 4 Res
Helton Cameron Chance 3 226 3 Res
Helton Edward Lee 4 142 2 4/16/1939 3/20/2006
Helton Jeffery Glen 3 226 1 Res
Helton Jennifer Ann Tilander 3 226 2 Res
Helton Peyton Storm 3 226 4 Res
Hemmingway Sharon 2 171 4 Res
Henderson Addie 2 56 1 1/10/1902 7/19/1990
Henderson Cecil 3 259 3 - 4 Res
Henderson, Cecil 3 260 1 - 4 Res
Henderson Cecil Howard 3 259 or 260 1 5/4/1909 10/1/1981
Henderson Cullas O. 2 56 3 6/19/1920 9/8/1970
Henderson James Melton (Runt) 2 57 2 11/21/1921 5/7/2016
Henderson John C. (Jack) 3 201 1 9/2/1898 2/26/1978
Henderson Kathryne 3 201 2 10/12/1902 2/17/1986
Henderson Lois 3 259 2 2/14/1913 7/25/1996
Henderson Michael Ray 2 210 1 7/7/1958 4/18/2011
Henderson Peggy Jo 2 56 4 12/13/1916 4/21/2001
Henderson Shirley Wayne 2 57 1 10/10/1923 4/14/2003
Henderson W. D. 2 57 3 - 4 Res
Henderson W. O. (Pat) 2 56 2 6/24/1896 6/4/1971
Henry Bobby G. 3 107 1 7/14/1930 4/14/1980
Henry Pansy 3 107 2 9/20/1922 Res
Herchman John T. (Tiny) 2 143 1 9/3/1934 3/8/2004
Herchman J. T.  2 142 1 - 2 Res
Herchman J. T. 2 175 3 Res
Herchman Larry Wayne 2 144 1 11/10/1953 6/2/1982
Herchman Norvell Mattie 2 144 2 5/29/1912 10/24/1981
Herchman Tommy Lee 2 144 2 (Foot) Res
Hernandez Demetria 2 102 4 12/22/1927 7/21/1980
Hernandez Jose 2 102 3 6/22/1918 8/3/2002
Hesse Charles Christian 1 63 2 3/15/1962 3/16/1962
Hesse Jack August 1 63 1 10/23/1932 12/26/1997
Hetcel Kimberly Dion Dueschle 3 164 3 - 4 6/17/1968 10/22/2005
Hibbitts Charles Don 6 91 1 10/10/1933 7/1/2012
Hibbitts Lillie Elaine Palmer 6 91 2 Res
Hickey Anna M. 2 22 2 4/22/197 9/25/1994
Hickey William H. 2 22 1 12/19/1891 9/8/1985
Hickman Joyce 6 22 4 4/28/1934 9/1/1993
Hicks Eldon 1 193 1 1901 1961
Hicks Lawrence James (Jim) 4 80 3 1922 1988
Hicks Lucy Trammell 1 193 2 12/15/1900 8/11/1958
Hill Beulah Jane 2 96 1 3/13/1918 12/19/2017
Hill J. H. 2 96 3 - 4 Res
Hill Joe Hamilton 2 96 2 5/29/1912 12/17/1965
Hill Mildred 2 214 2 3/23/1923 6/29/2002
Hill R. C. 2 214 1 12/31/1916 9/9/1985
Hindman Ollie B. 1 168? 5 1/12/1895 4/23/1979 Behind Collingsworth in 158
Hindman Walter H. 1 168? 6 11/13/1880 12/14/1960
Hines Beatrice 2 261 2 9/29/1907 12/1/1989
Hines C. Thelbert 2 261 1 6/3/1907 8/24/1967
Hixon Alverda 1 206 2 6/1/1905 3/7/1994
Hixon Debbie H. 2 104 1963 1981
Hixon Eugene 5 108 1 6/4/1922 7/18/1991
Hixon Kenneth Leroy 6 24 1 3/19/1930 7/22/1998
Hixon Michael 2 104 Res
Hixon Michael 2 104 Res
Hixon Michael J. 2 104 2 7/29/1925 5/21/1988
Hixon Patricia 2 104 Ashes buried on Debbie Hixon lot
Hixon Roy 1 206 1 2/26/1905 3/13/1964
Hobson F. E. 1 185 3 - 6 Res
Hobson Floyd E. 1 185 1 6/14/1890 1/21/1984
Hobson Jewell 1 185 2 1/25/1895 5/26/1982
Hodges Harvey Onlee 2 82 1 2/14/1927 5/13/2011
Hodges Minnie Beth Trussell 2 83 2 5/20/1931 5/23/2007
Hodges Stephen D. (Stevie) 2 84 1 1955 1972
Hodgkins Derral Macon 6 86 1 6/24/1941 Res
Hodgkins James 6 62 1, 3 Res
Hodgkins Ora Gene (Jeannie) Gass 6 86 2 9/9/1944 12/6/2008
Hodgkins Shannon Leigh 6 62 2 10/18/1981 4/1/1986
Hoff Dennis 4 208 3 - 4 Res
Hoff Dennis Henry 4 208 2 Res
Hoff Olivia Pauline Lauer 4 208 2 7/17/1918 9/26/2008
Hogle Alton 2 132 4/24/1913 6/2/1973
Hogle Alton 2 132 Res
Hogle Alton 1 198 1 Res
Hogle Freeman N. 1 198 2 9/26/1877 4/21/1957
Hogue Agnes 1 126 2 9/30/1913 7/10/1980
Hogue Agnes 1 125 3 - 4 Res
Hogue Dewitte 1 125 1 11/2/1913 12/25/1954
Hohlman Francine J. 5 65 3 5/5/1920 12/24/2012
Holbert Jeraline Tommie Holland 1 62 3 1/26/1930 11/8/2009
Holbrook Alice (Isabel?) 2 167 2 5/22/1916 7/25/1986
Holbrook Alton 2 168 3 Res
Holbrook Alton Leo 2 168 1 6/24/1909 5/31/2003
Holbrook Cliffie Lee 2 168 2 ca 1910 1/6/2001
Holbrook Glenda Gale 2 168 ? City shows 1 8/24/1938 2/11/2023
Holbrook Tullie J. 2 167 1 2/5/1912 11/4/1974
Holbrook Tullie J. 2 167 3 - 4 Res
Holcomb Eddie B. 2 118 1 10/18/1891 11/2/1969
Holcomb J. Curtis (Mrs.) 4 270 2 Res
Holcomb Mabel 2 118 2 3/5/1897 2/17/1987
Holden Edith 3 123 10/11/1919 12/31/1989
Holden Hollis 3 123 3/20/1911 7/21/1979
Holden Hollis 3 123 Res
Holland Frank Allan 2 277 2 6/10/1904 6/1/2000
Holland Frank  Aubrey 2 276 1 4/29/1905 8/21/1980
Holland Ida June 2 276 2 6/14/1926 6/5/2017
Holland Imogene Elizabeth 4 244 4 Res
Holland James, Jr. (Jim) 4 244 3 3/17/1922 2/6/2004
Holland William O. 2 277 1 2/9/1948 12/31/1967
Holley Alline 1 241 2 Res
Holley Paul 1 241 1 9/1/1911 1/29/1963
Holley Paul 1 241 3 - 4 Res
Hollingworth B. J. (Holly) 1 158 1 11/23/1930 7/20/1985
Hollingworth Glenn 1 137 4 7/9/1927 9/27/1928 Baby Glenn
Hollingworth Ivan G. 1 137 3 12/9/1894 10/15/1972
Hollingworth Ivan G. 1 137 1 - 2 Res
Hollingworth Jay Lynn 1 158 4 7/16/1954
Hollingworth Lestie G. 1 137 4 7/7/1898 9/5/1978
Hollis A. C. 1 189 4 Res
Hollis Elwanda 4 3 3 & 4 Res
Hollis Frank Lee 5 18 1 Res. for Cremation
Hollis Jack 4 3 1 & 2 10/5/1932 4/23/2016
Hollis Jack 4 64 1 Res
Hollis Joe Ann 1 190 7 11/21/1880 11/12/1963
Hollis John Sterling 1 190 6 4/26/1870 1/6/1964
Hollis Myrtee Lee Humphries 5 18 1 9/22/1915 4/5/2005 Cremains
Holman Laura Lois 3 125 2 2/22/1918 2/9/1993
Holman Philip L. 3 125 1 1/9/1916 6/19/2006
Holmes V. E. 1 97 1 - 4 Res
Holmes Violet Elaine (V. E.) 1 97 6 & 7 1/8/1922 2/14/2009
Holt George & Susana 5 24 2 - 3 Res
Holt George & Susana 5 26 1 - 2 Res
Holt Jean Sylvia Wiggins 5 25 2 7/23/1991
Holt Kenneth Dugan 5 38 2,3 6/20/1940 Res
Holt Ladonna Pulliam,Holt, Ewing 5 38 4 3/12/1941 Res
Holt Thomas Edgar, Jr. 5 25 1 10/22/1933 11/8/2006
Honaker John Martin 1 136 3/4/1917 6/16/1981
Honaker Mary Gilmore 1 136 4/15/1928 12/4/1985
Hopkins Denzel Richard 4 268 1 7/31/1914 1/19/1996
Hopper Valeria Joy Horn 4 79 3 4/20/1935 11/22/2009
Hoskins Helen L. 3 140 2 Res
Hoskins Walter 3 140 1 10/16/1919 6/24/1980
Hotmann Nancy Helen 4 36 1  8/15/1936 Res
Houck Mary Lynn Felts 3 264 2 8/29/1959 Res
Houck Travis Lee 3 264 1 11/14/1957 Res
Houtchens Anna Doris White 1 124 3 11/21/1931 8/26/2020
Houtchens Douglas Dean 1 124 4 6/2/1931 1/29/2013
Houtchens Hilda A. 3 93 2 1909 1987
Houtchens Howard Henry 3 93 1 1908 1979
Houtchens Martha Rebecca Low 1 180 8 8/22/1880 6/19/1965
Houtchens Rebel 1 124 1 10/30/1961 10/30/1961
Houtchens Toby Douglas 1 124 1 11/27/1953 4/17/1956
Houtchens William Frederick 1 180 7 9/28/1877 9/10/1967
Houtchens Ydelle Larue 3 171 1929 2018
Howard Charletta A. 6 21 2 8/15/1918 10/29/1991
Howard Everett 4 128 1 3/9/1909 4/13/1990
Howard Mildred 4 128 2 1/7/1910 1/1/2012
Howard Robert L. Jr. 6 21 1 10/7/1917 10/29/1991
Howarton Etheridge 3 124 1 6/26/1922 1/29/2016
Howarton Etheridge 3 124 2 - 3 Res
Howarton Etheridge 3 127 3 Owns lot buried elsewhere
Howarton Ira Newton 1 209 2 8/2/1888 11/14/1966
Howarton I. N. 1 209 3 Res
Howarton Judy 3 124 2 or 3 9/2/1923 9/2/1980
Howarton Ollie Clyde 1 209 1 6/17/1892 2/28/1985
Howarton Ruby Jewell 1 209 4 7/10/1915 2/12/1982
Howell Claudia M. 3 136 2 9/27/1921 5/27/1976
Howell E. O. 3 135 1 Res
Howell E. O. (Scottie) 3 136 1 8/10/1918 8/25/1998
Hudson Clois Eugene 2 122 1.5 9/27/1945 4/17/2014
Hudson Earnest 2 122 1 7/2/1902 1/26/1980
Hudson Earnest 2 121 1 Res
Hudson Hugh (Hoot) 2 121? 1933 1969
Hudson Lou Emma 2 122 2 11/3/1904 2/18/1975
Hudson Ronald R. 2 121? 7/25/1927 6/6/1974
Hudson Viola Hollingsworth 1 158 2 Res
Huey Frances Lorene Thomason 3 154 2 Res
Huey Joe Lyle 3 153 1 - 2 Res
Huey John Thomas 1 171 6 11/24/1910 3/7/1963
Huey John Thomas, Jr. 3 154 1 Res
Huey Joseph Moses 1 173 1 8/27/1887 2/1/1957
Huey Mattie J. 1 173 2 9/22/1888 8/23/1974
Huey 1 171 7 - 8 Res
Huey 1 171 Res
Huff Betty Mullins 3 237 3 Res
Huff C. E. (Buddy) 3 237 2 5/29/1918 4/19/1977
Huff Gayla Ann 3 237 1 8/30/1944 2/22/1984
Huff Joe 3 238 1 - 4 Res
Huff Marcus 3 236 1 - 3 Res
Huffman Fitzhugh Lee 3 193 1 2/25/1899 4/24/1975
Huffman Tompie 3 193 2 5/11/1901 5/24/1992
Huffstutler Carlena Moeller 3 151 1 7/3/1916 7/31/2011
Huffstutler Carlena 3 161 3 - 4 Res
Huffstutler Carlena 3 162 1 - 2 Res
Huffstutler Fred Lihon 3 151 2 12/13/1910 11/1/1995
Huffstutler Larry 4 278 1 & 2 Res
Huffstutler Larry 4 279 1 & 2 Res
Huffstutler Larry 4 280 1 & 2 Res
Huffstutler Larry 4 287 2 Res
Huffstutler Larry 4 288 1 Res
Huffstutler Larry 4 289 1 & 2 Res
Huffstutler Robert 3 153 3 & 4 Res
Huffstutler Robert 3 159 4 Res
Huffstutler Robert 3 160 4 Res
Huffstutler Robert 3 161 1 - 2 Res
Huffstutler Sharon Kay Walser 4 288 2 Res
Huffstutler Sharon Kyle 4 287 1 6/10/1984 9/1/2006
Humphreys Donna Rater 4 293  2 Res
Humphreys Elbert Glen 1 204 2 5/28/1915 4/19/1964 Res
Humphreys Grace O'Dell 1 204 1 6/11/1917 2/17/1977
Humphreys Michael Glen 4 293 1 11/12/1951 2/25/2007
Humprises Jewel Catherine 2 12 1 8/21/1891 7/22/1968
Humprises Joe H. 2 12 1 9/3/1889 1/19/1975
Hunt French Bernard 4 6 1 6/7/1910 6/11/1980
Hunt Heavy 4 142 3 Res
Hunt Viba Mary 4 6 2 8/24/1908 3/1/1999
Hunter Betty Sue 4 23 2 Res
Hunter Betty Sue 1 175 1 - 2 Res
Hunter Janice Owen 6 73 1 - 4 Res
Hunter Janice May Owen 6 52 4 9/3/1936 2/3/2013
Hunter Louis 4 23 1 8/2/1927 10/31/2020
Hustead Florence Wilkinson 1 196 2 8/1/1900 1/27/1989
Hustead John J. 1 196 1 4/24/1900 4/24/1958
Hustead John William 1 194 5 6/19/1928 2013
Hustead Mary Lou 1 194 6 8/8/1935 8/28/1987
Isbell Cecil Romaine 4 34 1 5/24/1936 4/29/2017
Isbell Michael & Jimmie 4 29 1 - 4 Res
Isbell Michael & Jimmie 4 30 1 - 2 Res
Isbell Michael & Jimmie 4 31 1 - 2 Res
Isbell Michael & Jimmie 4 32 1 - 2 Res
Isbell Rama John 4 243 1 1/11/1934 5/9/2015
Isbell Virginia 4 243 2 Res
Isham Harold Riley (Tom) 2 290 1 7/28/1905 6/1/1988
Isham Mildred Opal 2 290 2 1/22/1915 11/10/1984
Jacelon Michelle Louise 4 94 1 Res
James Carpenter Paul W. 6 14 1 3/6/1924 7/28/1989
Jansen A. W., Sr. 2 46 4 Res
Jansen Vertie Lee 2 46 2 12/26/1919 1/2/2015
Jansen W. W., Sr. (Mutt) 2 46 1 9/19/1918 9/21/1980
Jansen 2 46 3 Res
Jeanis Trudy Robb 5 45 1 4/20/1943 5/4/2018
Jeffers Austin Bela 1 229 2 1881 1961
Jeffers Austin Bela 1 229 1 Res
Jeffers Hattie Alice Payton 1 229 3 2/22/1882 4/1/1965
Jeffers Orton Arcenaux 1 229 4 5/29/1916 9/12/2008
Jennings Audrey L. 6 20 4 10/29/1909 12/22/1992
Jennings Colton Layne 5 38 1 5/23/2000 12/23/2020
Jennings Gayle 6 44 2 9/15/1935
Jennings M. L. 1 161 1 - 4 Res
Jennings Spurgeon 6 20 3 9/1/1905 12/22/1994
Jessie Shirley Ann Freeman 4 277 2 12/29/1928 10/27/2012
Jinkins Raymond 2 163 1 1906 1969
Johns Kay Wittenbach 4 22 1 Res
Johnson Agnes L. 3 133 2 9/8/1921 8/14/1976
Johnson Ann 2 171 1 - 3 Res
Johnson Ann 2 172 3 Res
Johnson Baby 4 58 4 Res
Johnson Edna Neoma Livingston 1 179? 9/11/1911 3/24/1957
Johnson Glenn E. 2 112 1916 1992
Johnson James D. 2 112 1881 1972
Johnson James D. 2 112 Res
Johnson J. D. 2 112 Res
Johnson James P. 2 145 1 - 2 Res
Johnson James P. 2 146 1 Res
Johnson James P. 2 147 1 - 2 Res
Johnson James Paul 2 145, 146, or 147 12/7/1928 8/18/1973
Johnson Mary Sue 2 112 1887 1978
Johnson Monte Wayne 2 145, 146, or 147 4/22/1957 8/18/1973
Jolly B R. 2 135 Res
Jolly Dorothy Lee Trusell 2 135 1912 1990
Jones Adelia B. 1 148 3 4/11/1886 10/13/1968
Jones Albert Bryan 1 165? 4/17/1897 4/21/1996
Jones Alma Joyce Allen Jones Davis 2 235 2 4/8/1933 3/14/2015
Jones Annie L. 2 80 2 1897 1985
Jones Bertha Lee Gardner 3 56 2 7/12/1915 12/31/2007
Jones  Billy Deverl 4 370 1 10/3/1922 5/6/2015
Jones Blanche 1 199 1 1891 1975
Jones Carl 4 356 1 3/12/1934 9/11/2019
Jones Carl D. 4 356 1 - 2 Res
Jones Charles F. 3 263 1 6/23/1909 6/19/1979
Jones Clifford Clyde 3 172 3 7/31/1909 11/6/1995
Jones Culla Barrow 6 36 2 Res
Jones David Joe 6 36 1 1/5/1948 Res
Jones David Joe 6 37 1 - 2 Res
Jones Della Mae Bills 4 109 2 5/8/1940 Res
Jones Dick 4 369 3 Res
Jones Dick 4 370 2 Res
Jones Dick 4 371 1 - 2 Res
Jones Dora M. 2 252 3/30/1890 5/25/1967
Jones Earl R. 1 42 1 2/15/1892 10/3/1956
Jones Earle A. 3 57 1 3/10/1910 3/18/1976
Jones Edgar Agee 3 251 1 6/1/1912 11/27/1993
Jones - Studyvin Evelyn Flesher 1 108 2 2/15/1926 5/25/2002
Jones Gary 4 11 1 - 2 Res
Jones Gary Wendel 3 55 2 1943 2015
Jones Harvey King 4 109 1 4/4/1939 12/5/2008
Jones Hilda Lalk 1 42 2 3/27/1902 12/18/1957
Jones Janie 1 12 2 8/3/1893 5/11/1990
Jones Jerry 4 111 1 - 4 Res
Jones Jerry 4 112 2 Res